Imagine 6; overwatch

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Jungkook your boyfriend has invited you to come over to his house to play video games.

You wore black jeans, white t-shirt that Jungkook had left, red jordans. You two had a similar sense of style. You looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled.

You went downstairs and went to the front door to leave, but your parents stopped you for a sec. "Where are you going?" Your mom and dad looks at you from bottom to top. "Jungkook's place, don't worry I'll be staying there for dinner.." You said hoping they'll agree.

"That boy? Jungkook?" Your mom disgustingly say, "No Omma, he's a girl.." You said sarcastically. "Why can't you study instead? Your grades are dropping ever since you and Jungkook are like peanut butter jelly.." Your dad cringed.

"I'll study when i get home, pleasee Omma.. Appa~~~..." You begged them. "Oright oright, be back before 9 okay?" Your mom finally agrees leaving your dad standing in shock.

"Thank you thank you!"

You kissed both of them and left the house quickly.


You arrived at his house. You knocked on the door gently, the door opened revealing a tired bunny~!

His hair was messy, he's only wearing his shorts and you can see from his eyes that he just woke up. You stared at his abs and blushed hard. You covered your eyes and shouted, "Byuntae!"

He ignored you and rubbed his eyes.

"Yah! Why are you late? Because of you i went to sleep without noticing.." He gave you a sad-puppy eye look and you gave him an Awe look in return. You grabbed his cheeks and said "I'm sorry.." You said in baby tone.

You took one step to his house but he stopped you, using his hands to stop you. "Give moi~ a kiss." He points at his cheeks, you gave him and eye roll and said "Are we playing or not?" You asked.

"Why? You wanna pay me money? Kiss or money~" He said teasing you, you gave him a peck on the cheeks and you looked at him, "Lab youu~~" He pinches your cheeks lightly.

You both went in the living room and started sorting the tv out. "Movies or games?" He asks you while sorting out the tv. "Games, because watching movies are boring.." You sighed. "You just don't wanna cuddle with me, don't you?" He touches his chest and had a hurt look.

"No its not like that, Pabo!"

"Okiee.." He finally finished setting it up, you gave him a smile and he gave you a smile back. He sat on the floor next to you, he looked at you and handed a controller.

You both played racing games and to be honest, you were the one winning not him.

"Yah! Let go!"

"Never.. Muahaha~~!"

He tried taking your controller but you blocked him using your back. "You're cheating!" You pouted, "Shh.. I'm better than you.." He winks at you. "Shuttup! Says the guy who lost 3 in a row.." You stuck your tongue at him.

He grabbed your waist and hugged you tightly, "I've missed you so much.." He whispers in your ears. "I've missed you too.." You pulled away from the hug and kissed him on the lips. He responded to the kiss.

This time Jungkook was sitting behind you, basically he's huggin you at the back while both of you are playing video games.

(You know what i mean..)



Jungkook imaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ