Imagine 46; want you back (2)

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Your eyes watched their reaction, each one of them showing different expressions, Jennie looked like she's ready to kill someone, Jisoo scrunched her face in anger and Lisa not smiling. You couldn't tell Lisa's emotion at all.

But she sure do look really scary when she's not smiling at all.

"--and yeah, that's why i left."

When you finished telling them, they all sighed, "I hate him now." Jennie grits her teeth.

You didn't want any drama happening and anyone starting it, you didn't want everyone arguing about it because of you. You wanted to talk about it with Jungkook yourself, but your self confidence is not showing up just yet.

"If anyone of you are thinking of "talking" to Jungkook about it, i think it's best to leave Y/n to talk about it, for the mean time, let's not do anything unless Jungkook does something."

Rose says, the regret feeling you had earlier when you were about to tell Rose went away. You were happy that she was the first person you told. Everyone nods.

Suddenly, the doorbell ringed making everyone freeze in their place. Questions started popping into your head giving you an headache.

Is it him?
What shall i do?
Will he hurt me again?

Jisoo saw your tensed body, she sat next to you and held both of your shoulder, her touch made your body lessen the tense. Rose came back with the manager, we all stood up and bowed.

What a relief..

"Y/n, you're back!" He hugs you, which was really surprising, "What happened all of a sudden?" He asks, you looked uneasy, "Private reasons.." you said looking down at the floor,

"Well, then i respect that--anyways, there will be a party later and we've been invited." You all looked at each other smiling, "All the kpop idols will be there, so you guys need to put your socialising pants on and socialise with people."

You were happy, smiling from ear to ear. But that smile soon faded away, he's gonna be there.. 100% sure he's going to be there!

"Can i not go to the party?" You ask making the girls pout sadly at your question, "Y/n, you just came back and we want everyone to know that we're all part of the team. Plus you're debuting soon.."

You just smiled it off, "Okay." Was all you could say.

Later that day~~

"Y/n~~ Jennie unnie took my favourite heels!" Everyone likes telling each other off to you because you were like the mother of the group and they would listen to you, you wondered how they all survived without you.

"KIM JENNIE!!" you shouted waiting for her to come to you, Jennie popped her head in between the door and looked at you with puppy eyes, she came up to you pouting trying to act cute to you, "Give Lisa her heels back.." Lisa held her hand out waiting for Jennie to give it.

Jennie just looked down not giving it, "I-i was just borro--" you interrupted, "Borrow borrow blah blah blah, you keep saying that but you never give it back. Where's my lipstick you borrowed?" you heard her gulp, she gave up and gave it to you..

"Guys we have 16 mins left or else they're going to start the party." The manager came shouting, we all rushed; continuing to get ready for the party.

They wore,

They wore,

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