Imagine 1; avoid

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Today you're going to visit Jungkook, your boyfriend.

He started avoiding you ever since college, you didn't understand why but today your going to fix it. You were nearly there at his but you were nervous and scared.

"Okay Y/n, just ring the bell an he'll open the gate right?" You asked yourself. "3..2..1.." You whispered.


"Who is it?!"

Jungkook shouted from the other side, you didn't know what to do but stand there like an idiot, you were deciding to run but it's too late, he opened the gate and he widened his eyes.

"Oh, Y/n.. Why are you here?" Jungkook ask and your there just standing giving him a smile "I-i was just here to check.. If you were fine.." You stuttered. "Come in.." He gestures you to come in.

When he turned around, you facepalmed yourself for being stupid. You went in the living room and saw work papers, pencils, pens.. You name it! "Wow." You said out loud. "Oh, sorry for the mess.. I'm kinda busy right now so.."

"Should i go home since you're bus--"

"No, stay."

You were shocked that he said that but you just shrugged it off. You sat on the sofa and he sat on the floor doing work. You felt sorry for him because he looks like he was struggling.

You sat on the floor as well and looked at his face, he looks stressed out. Now this is your time to ask him why he's not talking to you anymore or you guys aren't hanging out with each other like before.

"Jungkook." You said looking at him, he looked at you and smiled "Yes.." You didn't want to ruin this moment but you've got to find out. "Why are you not hanging out with me anymore? I'm still your girlfriend right?" He looked shock at your question.

Silence choked both of you.

He didn't say anything at all and just continued working. Your smile faded and you sat back on the sofa. Time passed by and you were really sad and bored.

Where did my Jungkook go?

It was getting dark so you decided to leave, don't worry he won't notice you're gone. You quietly stood up and headed towards the front door ready to leave but something was stopping you.

Arms wrapped around your waist, his scent, his head resting onto your shoulder and him finally noticing your precence.

"Miahne, Y/n.."

You turned around and hugged him properly, he cupped your chin and smiled "I'm really sorry, please forgive me.. and to answer your question, yes you're still my girlfriend and I've been very busy so i didn't have time for you.."

Jungkook pouted and gives you a puppy look, he knew that you hated that because if he did that, you would do anything he wants.

"I forgive you.." He smiles and hugs you..

You smiled and tighten the hug.

You stayed like that for awhile.


How was it? You can imagine the rest.

Jungkook imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora