Imagine 27; surprise

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It was your boyfriends birthday in two days and you wanted to see him but you couldn't because you were working abroad. You were deciding to ask your boss if you can have a month off work but you doubt he'll agree.

But you're going to try because deep inside he'll agree, just keep your fingers crossed. "Please, can i have a month off work, i haven't seen someone for nearly a year and i want to surprise that person."

He looked up from a file he was reading, and smirked at you, "Okay--"




"You will have a lot of work that needs doing when you come back okay? Don't blame me when you get tired." You just nod and made your way home to pack, you're just excited! You need the rest of bangtan to help you plan the surprise.

You opened your laptop and opened skype, you called Namjoon and he quickly answered, "Y/n! Long time no see!" You smiled happily and you heard loud footsteps going down the stairs, it was the rest of bangtan but Jungkook wasn't there.

"Jungkook isn't here at the moment, he went to have vocal practice." Hoseok said making you nod, you knew already because he always goes on Wednesdays. "I want to plan something, Jungkook's birthday is coming up soon."

Everyone cheered and kept listening, "So i'm planning on coming home and see you guys--"


They all shouted and you were just there lowering the volume. "Sounds perfect, he said that it would be a bummer celebrating his birthday without you." Yoongi said showing his gummy smile.

"Awe that's so cute.." you sighed already thinking about going to korea now just to hug the bunny but you can't, "My flight is tomorrow so who is willing to pick me up?" Everyone started saying me until you shushed them.

"I'll take Jin since he's the oldest and i want the rest of you guys to keep this quiet." You said biting your lips but smiling, "By the way what are you guys planning on doing in Jungkook's birthday?"

You asked and waited for the answer, "We were just planning on staying home just watching movies and ordering pizza, maybe play games or something." Taehyung said playing with his fingers, you giggled at that.

"Just remember not to tell Jungkook, okay? Please guys--"

"Bye y/n Jungkook is at the door."

Jimin ended the call and you sighed, you started packing and went to sleep because your flight tomorrow is early and you didn't want to miss it even though you wont. You closed your eyes and slept, just imaging what's going to happen tomorrow.


Landed to korea..

Yes, finally at korea!

You dragged your luggage and looked around for Jin, you texted him several times but he didn't answer. So it took him half an hour to get to the airport, you felt a tap on your shoulder and saw the eldest breathing heavily.

"There was a traffic, sorry." He smiled and you just shrugged that off and hugged him tightly, he hugged you back. "Come on quick." He grabbed your arms and made his way back to the dorm.

You were in the car with Jin just listening to their songs but you stopped him when you saw a pizza shop. "Wait." Jin raised his brow and looked at you as if something happened.

You thought of planning to surprise Jungkook by being the fake delivery guy, you're going to ask Jin to ask Jungkook to open the door when you're outside hiding your face, and then boom (!) Surprise kookie!

You gave him the evil laugh and he slowly moved away from you which made you laugh even harder.

"Here's the plan..".


Jin pov..

"Where's Y/n?"

Jimin pouted and i chuckled, "Y/n is in the staffs room waiting." They all raised there brows in confusion, i told them to sit down and listen to me. "Y/n's plan is to surprise Jungkook by being a fake delivery guy, we'll order pizza and make Jungkook open the door."

Everyone was smiling mischievously, "And then.. Surprise! We're going to have a crying bunny! Well, he'll be happy too, our manager already knows and our make up artist are making her look like a delivery man."

Everyone started laughing and couldn't wait for kookies reaction, "He'd be so bummed thinking y/n is not here." Yoongi started laughing his butt of again.

We heard the door open and a tired kookie came in, "What's funny?" He raised a brow, everyone immediately stopped laughing and i answered, "We are just happy you're turning legal now." I faked laugh and looked at the others signaling them to laugh.

"Oh okay." He said plainly, "Anyways, since we have the birthday boy here.. we might as well party!!" Hoseok started dancing but it looked like Jungkook didn't want to, "I don't feel like celebrating my birthday today, can we all just relax?"

Namjoon chuckled and wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck, "Of course we're going to relax.. by watching movies and ordering pizzas!" Jungkook smiled at us and denied the offer.

"Are you like this because Y/n isn't here to celebrate with us?" Jimin smirked making Jungkook's heart beat rise, Jungkook scratched the nape of his neck and said, "N-no! Y/n is just busy and i'm really proud of her. Okay, let's celebrate!"

Everyone gave each other a look smirking, "We'll watch horror movies since you love horror movies.." Yoongi said making Hosoek frown, "No! I hate horror!" He whined but it was too late, Yoongi put the disc in already.

We waited until it was the right time to call the pizza guy *coughs* Y/n *coughs*. "I'm starting to get hungry.." i yawned and started patting my tummy. Taehyung smirked and said, "Pizza sounds nice!" Everyone agreed, "I'll order everyone's favourite!" I shouted jumping out of my seat going to the kitchen.

"Y/n are you ready?"


Your pov..

You waited in the staffs room, your legs were shaking and you didn't want to wait any longer. "Here is the pizza." The actual delivery man said and you payed, you put your hat on to cover your face and carried the pizza box.

Just in time, Jin called, "Y/n are you ready?" You smiled and bit your lip to control from screaming, "Yes." You answered, you ended the call and made your way in front of the dorm.

Finally, you knocked on the door and waited for the person to open the door, you hid you face and carried the 4 boxes of pizza higher. The door opened revealing familiar shoes you bought.

"You ordered pizza!" You tried your best to sound like man but failed, "Y/n?" You put the boxes of pizza slightly down so he could see you and took your hat off. You saw the bunny you've missed, you dropped the box on the floor carefully and jumped into his embrace.

He hugged you tight, tihhtly like he's trying to take the last breath out of you. "Surprise baby." You managed to say, he pulled slightly away from you and crashed his lips onto yours, he kissed you roughly but passionately, you can tell from the kiss, he missed you soooo much.

"Sorry to interrupt you guys but can we eat? We're starving.." Jin broke the hug just to get the pizza box, you giggled and held Jungkookies hands tight and dragged him in so both of you can go in as a happy reunited couple.


Sup :p

Jungkook imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang