[arc three] 40.

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Note: there will be a major time skip that will happen in this chapter and the next. I mean this arc will only last for ten chapter and were on to the last one! Hopefully everything will end will. Oh yeah, Ai is someone who like to make things go to plan and don't break the plan or story because she don't like butterfly effect so don't question why she's not in some major event.

Life is strange do you know that?

I look at the magic ball that show the even where Aladdin and his friends trAin like in the anime and manga. Pretty much all I can say is that, the giant mutated monkey that alibaba fought really make me question how do mutation come to this fantasy styled world? Yup it's totally random but ehh.

I mean me just living a life of my old life

"Titus is all grown up now! Through I know his mother will join me here soon." I thought as stares at the scene where Aladdin thought Titus was a girl at the very first moment they meet. Will Titus should have been a woman because he's a clone of hazade-chan after all. 'Ahh life of student is harsh but still memorable.' I thought.

Full of dullness and comfort but it's my lifestyle nothing less.

"Hmm, the final event for the anime is coming up soon! Oh I really want to come and help them because they freaking wound my cute cousin to the core and ruined their cuteness!" I thought as I remember the event that soon will come in their life. "Oh! I can just boost Kouen Mahu to heal them up without scars and all! Yes, it's pretty a good plan." I thought as I laugh crazily.

But one day it change because of that event that made me

Who I'm the person who you meet after nth worlds.

I look at the scene that show the image of the purple hAired king, I sigh when I felt my chest becoming heavy for some reason. ''I don't like were this going.'' I mumble looking at the flirting king. ''will no one will know right?'' I though as I look darkly at the woman in his arms.

I'm bored and lifeless, playing fun of others fate to make ending more interesting

"Princess, I notice disrupted in the flow of rukhs, is there something wrong?" Ugo as me as I practically covered with black rukhs. "Nah, I just playing around and all." I lied as I hide the scene of the globe show the woman from earlier having another man but this time is their true mate and happily married. "I'm just helping some couple like a good flow of rukhs." I reason out as I try to pray him off from my business. "Ok then but you better look at the magic globe." He stated before leaving me alone. I look at him in confinement before I stare at the magic globe that show cast the smirking, purple hAired king, alone. In. his. Office.

But I don't get why I full under your stupid trap? I mean it totally scream danger and insanity.

"Hello, my jelly-Ai..." I notice the very moment the start of his world have the hint of drunkenness. "Why are you drunk and not doing your paperwork Sinbad?" I ask him trying to change the topic away from the nonsenses he spoke off, 'Hmmp I'm not jelly. I'm Ai.' I thought. "Will the moon is up beautifully that made me want to drink some fine wine, wife~" he squeaked with drunken red blush on his face. "I don't get why you're up there and not here, wife~! You should be here and serve your husband before the battle right?" he hiccupped as he drink a cup of wine. "Ja'far is going to kill you if you don't do your paperwork's." I resorted still trying to change the topic. "Wife, the paperwork is the same for the pass nth timeline and you think I can solved all the problem?" he drunk another cup of wine. "But I'm pretty sure you never touch any paper work through. " I mumble. "Willyou (hiccup) in one timeline...? I was a good fellow and tried to do work for once for a chance to change the story but it still end up the same." He told you with a big smiled as his eyes show glim at that memory. "Good for you then." I look away from the ball when I saw him walk away and look at the window that show-cast the full moon. "Neeh, Ai..." he suddenly become serious.

But I'm bored and full of empathy. I just like to see what store next to your trap.

Now little king of the seven seas and the conquer who wish to be god of your own world

. "Neeh, Ai..." he suddenly become serious. "What is it?" I narrowed my eyes as I notice how he look at the sky with emotion swelling wildly in his eyes. "Do you think I can change it?" he ask in a small whisper that it almost inaudible but I still hear it. "Sure you can." I offer a smile even though were partially not in the same room. "After all, I'm here to help you right...

Would you care to peak my interest to its peak?


"I guess so but it seems the next time we meet personally is when I come there. Hope you welcome me with open arms dear wife. "He smiled cheekily at that. 

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