[arc two] 26. regarding us in the winter zone

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I was making a winter clothes for Sinbad when we journey by boat, I start making it before we even depart from the land so it can be done when we arrive in the tribe of one of his future generals, Hinahoho. 

I watch him take down the giant fish that I forgotten the name and saved the brother and sister pair. And it was just in time when we arrive in the tribe I finish making the clothes.

I float above Sinbad when everyone have left him in a room to rest for a while.

"Hey, wear this to keep you warm and keep you alive." I said as I offer the cloths to him that he take with a surprise look on his face when he can touch the cloth that I made and other reason that im not clearly sure what.

"t-thank you, Ai!" he said with a big smile at me as he take it and hugged it. "So this what you were making, huh?" he mumble as he look at the winter cloths.

Actually the cloths was not the same as the anime cloths he wear because I think he will surely freeze if he wear the cloths like in the anime in this region that can freeze all the life if they don't have the capacity of adopting here. 

 I know that the cloths was for style but are they trying to kill the mc for wearing that?! I mean it's cute on him and all but... will whatever, my mind become hectic again. Sigh. I need to stop overthinking sometimes.

"Sorry, if the cloths don't fit your liking, Sin." I said as I look at the cloths that offer to him by the tribe, this was the cloths that he wear in the anime." I-I like it! Don't worry I'll wear it and treasure it!, Ai!" he said as he rush to the dressing room and change there.

I look at the close door and turn around. I thought of the next event of his journey and the coming death of my older siblings with dad.

 I think my time of being his guardian or babysitter going to end soon. Like real soon when the episode of his adventure in the anime I think? When that happen ill wake up from being coma from that room and forget about this...I think.

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