[arc two] 15. regarding me with a harp

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I enter the small house of Sinbad and look at Sinbad mother sleeping in the bed, she was already ill and it shouldn't be like this at all.

 So, I place a rukhs to make her heal from her sickness but I can't no longer stop her death when her time comes.

Sinbad was out once again to find food, either it be from the sea or from the next village. Because the dungeon has been rise it mean I have to babysit the next kid in my list—which is the next main character in the main story.

I thought about how I will say to him that I can no longer stay with him for another decade because, in a few years I need to leave his side and let him experience his own adventure without my help. 

The day I'll leave his side is when he have friends by his side to support him and I'll make him forget me after that.

I fabricate a harp out of thin air and start to play a song. I don't really know any harp note at all but I'll just playing for fan and for the mood. 

Will I was playing I float away from the house, closing the door silently and went to the sea side to wait for Sinbad there, while playing a senseless note on my harp.

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