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Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos. 

A/N: Just to inform you guys. I have erased previous two chapters and have written it again, including this chapter.  I didn't like what I wrote earlier, so even if you have read this story earlier, I recommend you guys to read it again.

Tae's POV

It's been two weeks since that incident with Tee and he is still living with me, along with Copter and Kim too. Why do you say Copter and Kim? Here is the reason behind it.

Since Tee was not mentally stable, he was having a hard time sleeping alone. He would wake up in the middle and start crying while sitting in the corner of the room. Since he still wasn't able to speak he couldn't scream.

One day I decided to check him in the middle of night and found the bed empty. I got super worried, I was about to call the police but then I found him sitting in the corner and crying silently. When I asked him the reason, he just lowered head and uttered a single word, "scared."

I knew it was wise to leave Tee alone at night and he was still not that comfortable enough to sleep on the bed with me. Yes, I have seen him naked twice but he still let me help him because I am a doctor, that's all. Copter has been helping him ever since.

I called the Copter after that day and asked him to live with Tee until he is stable enough. When Copter came, his beloved lover and my stupid brother followed him like a love sick puppy too. As far as Bas, he was living in his dorm which was an hour away from the place where Copter is living, otherwise he would have followed his brother too.

Tee was at ease when Copter started sleeping with him. He would hug Copter tightly and fall asleep. He was finally able to sleep without getting scared of anything.

How I wish it was me whom Tee was cuddling to sleep.


Tee was almost physically healed now, what worried me was his mental state. I have decided to give him time and get over his trauma but I think it's going to take more time than expected, also I cannot let him stay in this condition for a long time. I have to take some serious steps now.

Also, we got the information that Iris and her minions went berserk when they noticed Tee's absence.They tried their best to find Tee but they have no idea whom they are dealing with. It's funny how they are searching for Tee almost all over the country but he is living right below their nose. Stupid jerks.

Everyone at the home was getting super worried for Tee. Copter might look chubby and bubbly in front of everyone else, but I have seen him breaking down in Kim's embrace because he cannot see Tee like this.

Bas often come and visit Tee on the weekends. He talked about his friends and college. He tries his best to make Tee speak or laugh but all we have gotten so far was just a faint smile from Tee.

When we informed Tee's parents about his condition, they were in shock. Tee's parents won't stop crying and they keep begging for forgiveness from Tee.


"Tee, we are so sorry sweetheart. We had no idea the condition you were in. whenever you come and meet us you look so happy we believed that you were living a happy and healthy life. Iris was so sweet with us and you whenever we were around, we thought we couldn't give you any better life partner than her." It was Tee's father who was shedding tears and asking for forgiveness from Tee. Tee's mother was in so much shock that she couldn't utter a single word.

Pain & Medicine(Edited)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن