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Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos.

Warning: Attempt rApe

Tee's POV


Knock knock

It was during the night, around ten, when someone knocked on the door.

Who could it be? Iris has the key to the house so she won't knock and P'Tae was out of the city.

Knock knock

The person knocked again. I decided to answer the door and when I opened the door, I was face to face with my nightmare.

"D-Dan? Wh-what..a..are.y..you..doing h...here..at th..this time?" I couldn't help but stammer. Ever since what Dan has tried to do to me in the past, when we first met I have been scared of him. Thankfully he left the country for his work after that but it looks like he is back now.

Even though it has been more than six months, I couldn't remove that horrible memory out of my head, no matter what. He threatened to kill me if I dared to utter any words to anyone.

"Why? Are you not happy to see me after so many months? You have no idea how much I have missed you for the past these months." He said while licking his lips and giving me the seductive look.

I have to prevent him from entering the apartment, no matter what.

"If you don't have anything important then..yo..you can go." I said while trying to shut the door. But before I can shut it, Dan grabs the door and forces himself inside the house.

"Wha..what..are you doing?" I started trembling like a leaf in a storm. I know I am nothing compared to him in physical strength. If he decides to molest me again then there is no one here who can stop him.

"I came here to claim what's mine." The front door was closed by him and he started coming towards my direction slowly.

"Who do you mea..mean..yo..yours?" I was looking around the room, hoping to find something useful which could hurt this devil.

"You, my beautiful boy."He started stroking my cheeks with his fingers now. His touch made me feel disgusted, I just didn't like the way he touched me. I was trying my best to hold back the bile forming in my throat.

He was making me feel disgusted and angry at the same time. I had to do something or else if he will manage to molest me again, I won't be able to move on from it.

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" I gather all my strength and yell at him.

Oh God ... P'Tae why are not here when I need you the most.

"The fuck!! How dare you shout at me?!!!" He got angry at my outburst and pushed me hard on the sofa. I was hurt again, not only physically but mentally too. I started trembling and crying with fear. I know no matter what I do I cannot save myself now.

Iris has taken everything from me, my strength, my confidence, my happiness....everything. I become that person who sometimes even gets scared of dogs barking or even car honking.

"You know what?! I am gonna teach you a lesson today. Looks like you have forgotten what I did to you six months ago, I am going to recreate that day and make it the worst day of your life." The person in front of me was not a human, he was a monster who just wanted to hurt me in any possible way.

"P-please, leave me." I hate begging like this. I was not this weak but the situation and people in my life made me like this.

"So how do you like it rough,gentle or smooth?? Well it doesn't matter because I am gonna go rough on you." He was pushing me down while grabbing my neck with one hand and removing my clothes with the other.

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