22. My Love

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Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos.

Warning: Mature content ahead.

Tae's POV

I can't. I just can't keep myself away from my Tee for two whole night's.

I know I have to do my part of the work but leaving Tee alone for two nights was not just happening.

I know he has invited his friends over and all but I also know Tee very well. He won't be able to sleep without me being with him. I am like a sleeping pill to him, if I am not around he can't sleep and if he does then he ends up having a nightmare.

So, I put all my focus and energy into my work. I didn't eat, sleep or rest for almost a day. Except I just took a shirt five minutes break to text Tee. My sole purpose of working so hard was to finish two days of work in just one day.

"Dr. Darvid you seriously should take a break of at least half an hour or else you will fall sick." One of my colleagues advised me but nothing was more important than me finishing this work and Tee. So, I declined politely and started working again.

I was so happy when I was finally done. I was happy to meet Tee. I am sure he will be surprised to see me coming earlier than expected.

All my happiness went into the drain when I stepped outside my workplace. It was raining cats and dogs. The streets were overflowing with water and people were literally using boats on the road.

I got worried.

How was I supposed to go home now?

The people who were using the boats to travel didn't want to help me. I almost gave up. My phone was dead and there was no way of communicating with my Tee.

I was trying to walk on the side of the road, which was filled with water and reached my knees. I don't care if it will take hours to reach home but I cannot keep my Tee in the state of worry.

"Hey dude you need a ride?!!" A voice came from my side. I looked at the source of the voice and was shocked by what was in front of me.

A man probably of my age was driving the fucking moster truck. The people in this country are indeed crazy.

A huge smile formed on my face and I nodded my head.

"Cool then, hop on!!"  And I just did that. It was difficult to climb on that vehicle though but not as difficult as walking on the streets flooded with water.

"Thanks man." I thanked that stranger. He has no idea how thankful I was to him.

"No problem man. I am glad to help."

The ride from my workplace to home was not that silent. That person was super talkative, he kept talking about his love for cars and trucks like the one he was riding. He was a mechanical engineer working in some big company.

"Thanks again dude, I owe you this one." I shook hands with him and thanked him again when we reached my home.

"Mention not bro and you don't own me anything. Now get off and go meet the one who is waiting for ya." With saying that he left, leaving me astonished.

How the hell did he know?

I shook my head and decided to finally go home and see my life after a whole one day. I am sure he'll be worried sick about me now.

I slowly entered the home and found that Tee was sitting in the living room, crying.

I just hate when he cries. I promised him that I'll never let him cry but some things cannot be stopped from happening.

Pain & Medicine(Edited)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz