25. Happy

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Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos.

Tee's POV

I woke up with the sound of birds chirping. It was a bit cold but thanks to our tent and the blanket I wasn't cold at all. 

I looked around and found the spot next to me empty. Then I looked at the clock and realized that I woke up pretty late. It was almost ten in the morning. No wonder P'Tae is not here with me.

I decided to fully wake up and do my morning routine. I was starving too since I didn't eat anything last night too, due to that stupid dream of mine.

After freshening up. I was fully clothed. I went to where everyone must be sitting and talking. I decided to have breakfast there with everyone. But when I reached there, no one was visible. 

"Where did everyone go?" I question myself.

"They've gone down the mountain to collect some urgent necessities since they will be staying here for two more days. We ran out of a few things which are needed, so they'll go to the city to buy them. They'll be back by the evening." Bas explained to me and put the try of breakfast in front of me.

"Eat, you must be starving. Also don't worry. I am here with you and this breakfast is specially made by your beloved P'Tae for you. So you better finish it and then take your meds. I have something planned for us today." He said, giving me a wink.

Sometimes this little brat freaks me out. I am sure he is not as innocent as he appears to be. God only knows what's cooking inside this innocent devil's mind.

"What have you planned?" I started digging my breakfast which was super delicious. I will thank P'Tae later for sure.

"You know since we are always surrounded by all these manly men and they drag us with them everywhere they go. I thought, ''why don't we dress up pretty and take some pics together?" He said while wiggling his eyebrows with a mischievous smile on his face.

"I don't like wearing girls clothes though." As if I have said the stupidest thing in the world , he smacked his forehead with his palm and gave me a look, which I have no idea what it meant.

"Dressing up pretty doesn't mean you have to wear girls' clothes P'Tee!! It means you have to wear decent clothes and put some makeup on, style your hair and all that." He said in a duh tone.

"Oh okay. But.."

"No buts, just follow my lead when u finish with your breakfast. Trust me phi, you'll love each and everything about it." He was smiling so widely and looking at me with so much adoration like I was gonna get married. 

Stupid kid.

"Perfect. You look so handsomely pretty P'Tee!!!"

"Tsk! There is nothing like handsomely pretty." I looked myself in the mirror and I do look handsome and pretty too. I don't remember the last time I looked this good.

Also I don't understand how Bas managed to find these clothes in the middle of nowhere? 

"P'Tee!!!! How do I look?" 

"You always look amazing, Bas. But why are we getting dressed up like we are going to attend some wedding?" 

"Oh we do." 

I gave him a confused look.

"You see. My dad is friends with some people here. Yesterday he called me and asked me to attend this wedding on his behalf since he won't be able to come. And this friend of his is very important for his business too. So, I said why not. When I asked others if they wanted to go to a wedding with me they all ran away, you're my only last hope phi. Please don't say no now. Pleaseeeee!!" 

Pain & Medicine(Edited)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon