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The night was cold and silent. I laid in my tent alone, it had been a few hours since dinner and clean up. There was a river nearby the three of us used to wash out the blood. My hair back to its normal blonde, and my skin pale white. But getting out of the water caused it to seem colder than it probably was. My eyes stung as I thought over the days events. I wanted this all to be a bad dream, that I'll wake up and my dad will be there to say its ok. I shook my head, my dad would want me to survive and live. Find another way. I thought to the two boys. I could hear both of them snoring rather loudly. I wonder how they felt about this whole ordeal.

"Enough thinking..." I mumbled to myself. "Time for sleep..."

I shut my eyes, waiting for slumber to take over...


I heard horrendous screeching as the sun warmed my tent up. It was morning and I was groggy.

"Shut up you stupid Bird!" I yelled sitting up. "Wait, A BIRD!" I grabbed my axe that I slept next to and ran out of the tent.

I looked up into the trees. The sun flickering through the leaves and branches trying to spot the bird. I eventually caught a glimpse of the silky black feathers of a crow.

It screeched again and flew down to a lower branch. A small smile hit my lips. I wasn't sure if animals were still around since the night was deathly silent. It looked at me and a caught its eye. They were white, nothing but pure white. It wasn't right.

"Ryze. Jayce. Get out here!" I growled not taking my eyes off this bird.

I heard a few inaudible mumbles before they started to come out.

"What is it Jynx?" Jayce yawned.

"Tell me what's wrong with that." I said pointing to the crow with my axe.

The two stared at it silently for a moment, but they both shrugged having no idea.

"It has white eyes. That's not normal." I grumbled.

Their eyes widened in shock getting a better look at the bird.

"Does this mean that the zombies are animals too?" Ryze asked as the crow eyed us off.

I took my eyes off it as it unsettled me and I looked at Ryze and Jayce. They both looked back at me as we heard the screech once more. Everything went slow motion as I saw Jayce running at me.

"Move Jynx!" He yelled before pushing me into a tree. I heard my back crack and I hit my head. I looked at Jayce being mauled by the crow until it flew away.

Ringing echoed in my head as I stumbled over to him. "Jayce! Are you ok?" I panicked as he held his face in his hands.

Ryze ran over to. "Sit down. Both of you." He commanded.

Jayce and I sat on the floor.

"I'm fine. Just a couple of scratches." Jayce said revealing a couple of bloody, possibly deep, cuts down his left cheek.

My head was spinning as I couldn't seem to form any audible words. I was slightly concussed. Ryze looked at me worriedly. My ears were ringing.

"Do we have medical supplies?"

I blinked at him. Out of everything to forget, I forget a first aid kit. Black dots clouded my vision as I shook my head slightly.

Ryze cursed as he searched everywhere for something to cover Jayce's wound.

"Lets hope other animals can't infect humans." I mumbled getting speech back.

Ryze stopped and looked at me. "We can't let Jayce get infected or get an Infection. Both are bad. We need medical supplies, possibly a doctor. Those cuts look deep..." He stressed.

"I'm fine, honestly I've had worse." Jayce smiled blood dripping down his face.

"Jynx look after Jayce here. I'll take the bus amd try to find something medical in a nearby town." He looked at me worriedly.

I nodded. "We'll be fine here. I won't let a zombie kangaroo get us." I joked without thinking.

He looked at us clearly second guessing his decision but he started getting things ready anyway. I watched him do so. I really wasn't in a normal state of mind.

He then drove off into the distance...

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