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mingyu's day began early, just like jisoo, junhui, and seokmin. his alarm woke him up at around six in the morning, causing mingyu to leap out of bed, wide awake. he turned off his alarm, which was an actual alarm clock, and then changed into a loose tank top and basketball shorts before running to the front door. he pulled on socks and his basketball shoes before running out to his driveway.

yes, mingyu and his family had an actual house, which was not common where they lived, but it was nice for mingyu because it allowed him to practice basketball freely. he popped in his wireless earbuds and played music as he dribbled the ball and made shot after shot. he was on the varsity basketball team, meaning he was on a team with the best of the best, so he trained early every morning he could so he could practice and get better. his friends thought that he overworked himself, but mingyu knew his limits and continued doing his morning ritual of practice.

sweat dripped down mingyu's forehead as he stopped. he had practiced for an hour. when his timer had rung, he did a quickly cool down before running back inside the house and taking a quick shower and changing into clothes suitable for school.

"hey gyu!" his mother yelled from downstairs. "your breakfast is ready! i have to go to work now! love you!"

"thanks mom!" mingyu yelled back. "love you too!"

mingyu was extremely grateful to have a mother figure in his life. his father wasn't around very often since he worked quite frequently as his job as a doctor, but his mother was always there when mingyu needed her. this led mingyu to be closer to his mother of course, but his parents were simply both glad that he wasn't rebellious and was thankful for what he had.

after his quick shower, mingyu ran into his room. he threw on his clothes, which were a t-shirt and ripped jeans, and then threw his basketball training clothes into his small black duffel bag. for his outfit, he wore normal sneakers, but he remembered to put his other pair of socks and his basketball shoes in his training bag. he then grabbed his school bag and training bag and ran downstairs.

mingyu shoveled his breakfast into his mouth faster than nearly anyone else could. he put his dishes in the dishwasher, made sure the space was neat and tidy -- or else his mother would have a cow -- and than grabbed his things and drove to school.

mingyu was one of two people in his friends that had a car. it fit five people, so mingyu and jisoo, the other one with a car and driver's license, carpooled whenever the six friends would go out somewhere. jisoo didn't use his car very often, but mingyu did because he lived a ten minute drive away from the school.

at school, mingyu's friends and admirers alike greeted him. he responded positively with smiles and responses to their "hellos" "his" and "how are you doing?"s. that was another thing about him. he had really good behavior and was really kind. his parents had brought him up that way, and they were thrilled that he continued to put that into practice.

mingyu was an average student in school, and he tried to pay attention in class. however, sometimes he just couldn't help but shoot glances at his friends and not pay attention. he would normally get away with it, thankfully, so mingyu was free of any punishment or consequence.

after school, mingyu went to basketball practice. the varsity team at their high school was the best of the best. tryouts were cut-throat because nearly one to two hundred people would try out. it was a huge school, so that number made sense given the amount of students in the student body. however, the roster of the team was generally almost always the same -- unless a player had graduated. mingyu had an advantage given his height, and he was the first one to make it on the team when he was a freshman.

mingyu changed into his training clothes before practice began. when he was finished, he ran into the gym to see his fellow players shooting around the gym and the coach consulting his clipboard. mingyu being the captain, he ran over to the coach to see what they were going to do this practice.

"today i want to have the team split off into partners and talk about what happened with our last games, high points and low points, and then think of ways we can improve our game strategy," the coach explained to mingyu. "afterwards, we'll come together and share our ideas, and then perhaps scrimmage against each other for twenty or so minutes."

mingyu nodded at the coach's words and yelled at his teammates to circle up. he explained what they were doing and split them off into partners. he was kind and gave everyone their friends, but since none of his friends were there, he went with a glasses-wearing boy named jeon wonwoo.

wonwoo was fairly good at basketball and seemed nice. he and mingyu made good conversation about the game, which had been against their bitter rivals, the tigers. their school mascot was the dragons, and the two school had been rivals since the beginning of time. mingyu and wonwoo agreed on nearly everything about the game, and it seemed that they were getting along quite well.

the coach called them back and they had a quick discussion about how the team could improve as a whole. each player spoke about one thing they could improve on as a team, and each point was different, much to the coach's happiness. afterwards, they scrimmaged for about thirty minutes and then practice ended.

mingyu was getting his things together, as all of his teammates were, and then ran up to wonwoo.

"you made some really good points that i never would've thought of," mingyu told the older boy. "you're pretty smart despite the fact that you're such a talented athlete."

"thanks mingyu," wonwoo smiled. "you're smart too, and you're a great captain."

"thanks," mingyu stopped himself from blushing. "i have to go now, but i'll see you at practice tomorrow."

"bye mingyu."

and as mingyu stepped into his car, a smile appeared on his face, one that had been all too familiar. it was the smile that had appeared on his friends before him, and it was a clear indication of one certain thing.

jeon wonwoo had just been chosen as kim mingyu's target.

(A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and thanks for supporting all of my stories! I'm really sorry that I didn't post a new chapter for Fly this week — I just had no time! Please vote and comment suggestions for my stories:)


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