Chapter six: Class and confrontations

Start from the beginning

"Excuse me," I said to Draco before pushing past Evan. Once I was outside of the great hall I went to an abandoned classroom. 

"Hey!" I said once inside. 

"Hey, Darling how is it so far, any trouble?" Mom asked quickly. 

"It's great here! Although I have now met my big-headed brother and let's just say he is even worse than his dad."

 A laugh echoed through the classroom "Wow that bad huh?" I chuckled. Dudley s voice came echoing out 

"Hey Har, tell me if I need to beat up anyone," Dudley stated, with a hiss from Petunia and a thudding noise, I laughed. 

"Nah I am okay thanks Dud I will just send a hex at 'em and they'll never know who did it." Dudley laughed loudly as Petunia's voice said "Harry!" Which only made me laugh more. 

"But all jokes aside how is it? Did you have a nightmare?" Mom asked worriedly. 

"Yeah, but aside from that it's great I have made some friends, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini and Anthony but we call him Ant or Tony."

 "Oh wow that's great honey, but I must say some of them have weird names." I laughed, 

"Yeah, that's true." 

"Well, I just wanted to ring and see how you were." 

"Yeah well, you saved me from getting yelled at by an obnoxious brother so all good." 

"What! Why?" Dudley cried and I just laughed. 

"Funny story actually he came into the great hall all obnoxious and loud and Draco made a joke about him being obnoxious and I laughed, so he asked me what's so funny and I replied a bafoon." Dudley's voice echoed through the class once again with a small laugh from Mom. 

"Good one Har!" Dud replied. 

"Well done love, don't let him stomp all over you!" 

"Yeah so anyway I better get back to the hall and I will owl you soon!" 

"Of course honey have fun tell us everything!"

 "Will do, love you bye!" With that, I pressed the eyes and they once again went black. I walked back to the hall with my head held high with new confidence. Once I walked in all eyes were on me even the teachers but I just walked over to Draco and sat back down. 

Once the eyes had trailed away Draco spoke "What the hell was that Harry?"

 "Relax, it was a muggle call from Mom." Draco sighed 

"Oh, here's your schedule Snape handed them out when you left." 

"Thanks!" I replied looking at it. 

"I have Herbology then Charms and last Potions. You?" 

"Same," Draco replied smiling. The rest of our group all nodded as well. 

"Although sadly we have Charms and Potions with Gryffindor," Anthony added.

 "Ugh well, we better get to Herbology." They all nodded and we trailed out of the great hall. 

The day seemed to move quickly, much too fast in everyone's opinion as Charms and Potions seemed to be rushing for them.

We all filed into the charms classroom. Draco and I moved to the front of the class and sat in the first row. Much to my dismay Pansy decided to sit as close as she possibly could to me. I rolled my eyes and looked at Draco 

"Better you than me." He whispered. I jabbed him and he yelped which made me laugh.

"Silence. Everyone today we will be learning a very useful spell, Wingardium Leviosa." Everyone buzzed with excitement but I kind of just sat there listening because I had already mastered that spell even without a wand when I was eight. This will be a long year if this is what we are doing. 

"Turn to page 30 and read up before attempting the spell, remember your swish and flick actions!"

 Everyone turned to the pages but I decided to pull out my sketchbook and sketch a little until everyone began testing the spell out.

Halfway through the period, once I had finished my drawing Lilly came around and saw it.

 "What are you doing Harry, have you read and performed the spell, and what are you drawing?" 

"Yes, Professor I have, and just a drawing." 

"May I see both?"

 "Only the one in your job description," I replied before pulling out my wand and saying 

"Wingardium Leviosa" The feather in front of me flew up to the ceiling before I pulled it back and looked at her once again. 

"Well done! Five points to Slytherin." I smirked at my brother's expression. 

"Can I see you after class?" She asked. 

"As long as it is about learning then sure." She nodded and walked away.  After class was over I walked over to Lilly's desk and waited for her to speak.

 "Today Harry, the spell seemed so easy, did you already know it?" 

"Yes," I replied. 

"How?" She asked confusion clear on her face. 

"All my life my Mom and I knew I was a wizard, unlike some, and she got me books and I studied." 

"Oh uh well what level are you up to?" She asked slightly awkwardly. 

"Year 3 " That left her speechless, 

"Some squib, hey." She looked even more lost for words, 

"Can I please have a note seeing as I am now late for Potions?"

 She nodded and fumbled around her desk trying to locate the slip. Once she did that I nodded and left. 

"I messed up." I heard her mutter before I fully left the room. 

"Finally something we can agree on," I muttered. I walked purposefully to the dungeons for potions. As soon as I got into the class I was instantly ridiculed by Snape before I handed him the note. He nodded and I walked over to sit with Draco. 

"Finally a subject that will be interesting," I whispered to him and he laughed quietly and nodded. 

"Yeah defiantly, as long as your brother isn't a douche." I snorted 

"Oh, you'll have to count on him being one." He laughed and we started on our cure for boils potion.


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