thirty one.

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Loving her was heavier than a leaded red balloon

Everyone arrived to the beach at around midnight.

"Welcome to the fun house," Danny yelled. "Four bedrooms, do whatever the hell you want. Invite anyone over who seems like they've got a good vibe."

It was Danny's parents house that hey had owned forever, but just redid a year ago. Everything was new a fresh, and Danny decided to invite over everyone on prom weekend to help Christen the new space.

"Fuck yeah!" Mitch screamed into the house.

Jodi and Ellie chose to share bedroom that got the morning sun, Mitch took a back room separate from the others, Danny took the master, and Katya and Trixie decided to share a sweet room with a porch.

Everyone went to sleep around three after setting up the game systems everyone brought. They got a bit distracted wanting to make sure everything worked well enough.

The next morning everyone was awake by ten. Ellie and Danny went for a jog with the sunrise, and now Jodi was making pancakes for breakfast. The kitchen was a mess, but no one minded. It looked lived in.

That afternoon everyone decided to head to the beach. Trixie tanned with Jodi and Ellie while Katya, Mitch, and Danny dove into the unforgiving waves. They all played a round of beach volleyball, Katya enjoying the sight of Trixie's body as she jumped to hit the ball.

"Zamo! If you're just gonna ogle your girlfriend instead of playing, you two can go make lunch for everyone," Mitch teased.

That lead to Trixie and Katya walking back to the beach house. Trixie was wearing a pink bikini and Katya was wearing a black one. They both looked very hot, and made sure the other knew.

Katya couldn't help the way she lifted Trixie onto the counter to make out with her. She couldn't help that maybe they went a little too far in a public space of the beach house and then decided to take a shower together in the one outside.

As Trixie finished she shower, massaging strawberry shampoo into her scalp, Katya went upstairs to make some lunch. She made a bunch of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches along with some ham and cheese ones. She also grabbed a few beers and put them in the cooler.

Everyone came back to the house at around three, skin tanned/burned and freckles adorning everyone's cheeks. The beach was paradise. They all enjoyed a late lunch on the back porch, getting rowdy and drinking their first beers of the day. Trixie and Jodi watched as everyone else took turns chugging beers. When Katya was drunk, she became more bold and relaxed. Trixie liked it.

After lunch, Trixie and Katya crawled into bed together for an afternoon nap.

"Your hair is so sandy, baby," Katya whispered as she ran her hand through her girlfriend's golden curly locks.

"I know," Trixie whined. "I scrubbed my scalp for forever and it still didn't all come out."

"You got some color today, huh?" Katya teased. Trixie was pink & freckled, her tan not setting in until after the sunburn faded. Katya, too, got tan and freckled, but not burned.

"Can you braid my hair?"

"Oh jeez," Katya laughed. "I can try."

She did Trixie's hair in two french braids, one on either side of her head. It actually looked quite good. Trixie giggled her thanks and cuddled up against Katya, who took in the scent of strawberry shampoo and lavender perfume.

They fell asleep for a few hours, Katya more than content with Trixie's hot skin pressed against hers. She kissed Trixie's forehead and nose and cheeks over and over, eventually leading to Trixie groggily waking up.

"I love you so much," Katya whispered.

Trixie smiled and squeezed Katya tightly. "I love you more."

When the two finally got up from bed, throwing on a sundress and an oversized tee shirt & shorts over bathing suits, they found everyone else on the back porch. It was about seven, and everyone was helping themselves to a beer or two. Katya decided to refrain.

"Hello lovebirds," Jodi teased. Katya and Trixie were holding hands- it was Trixie's favorite thing to do. "We were thinking of heading to the pier for dinner in a few minutes. Sound good?"

"Of course," Katya said, agreeing for both of them.

Once everyone finished their beers, they began the car ride to the pier. They all squeezed into Danny's Jeep, windows down and roof off. Volume nearly to max. Trixie was sat on Katya's lap, Jodi driving since she was one of the few totally sober ones. Every now and again, Katya would squeeze Trixie's thigh to get a kiss. It was so wonderful.

They arrived to a diner for dinner and all sat outside, laughing and telling stories from all different times in high school.

"And remember when Katya nearly fell into the lake?" Danny said, everyone erupting into laughter.

"Don't forget you actually did fall, jackass," Katya laughed.

Trixie was a made a bit jealous by all of the talk about the past that she wasn't apart of, but she tried to push it away. They were all just having fun. There was no need to ruin it.

After dinner ended, everyone decided to get ice cream and eat it on the beach. They all walked down to the beach and sat in the sand, telling stories about hopes for the future and colleges and everything.

"I'm gonna miss you guys next year," Trixie said, feeling her eyes well with tears. She was laid against Katya, who squeezed her tightly.

"We'll visit all the time!" Ellie said. "It'll be like we never left."

"Yeah," Danny replied. "You'll wish we didn't come around so often."

"If you haven't noticed, we aren't exactly the bunch go go do amazing things," Mitch said.

Jodi rolled her eyes. "Speak for yourself."

"We'll visit all the time, sweet Beatrice. You won't be lonely." Ellie's voice was kind.

Katya kissed the top of Trixie's head and relished in the feeling of her body pressed against Trixie's. This moment was like a movie, it was so perfect. She knew only one way to make it better.

"Everyone done with their ice cream?" Katya asked.

Everyone nodded and mumbled "yes" or "why?"

"Last one in the water has to streak back to the house!" Katya shouted, springing up and pulling Trixie by her arm.

They were all laughing and yelling, and no one was paying attention to who was last. Jodi, Ellie, Mitch, and Danny all swam out deep into the water, but Trixie was afraid, so she and Katya hung back.

"I love you," Trixie whispered. Katya was holding her in the water, her hands placed on Trixie's ass.

"I swear I love you more," she whispered. They began to kiss passionately and hungrily in the water, Trixie's legs wrapped around Katya's waist.

The moon that was just reflecting off of the water followed the car back to the house, and the music was still loud, and there was sand in everyone's hair and between everyone's toes, and no one would've had it any other way.

a/n: TWO MORE CHAPTERS! again, check out my new story "soldier"! show it some love :)

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