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Even with the music loud

Katya pulled up in front of Trixie's house at exactly eight. She didn't want to be early, but she didn't want to be late, either. She ended up sitting in her car for about fifteen minutes waiting for the girl to come outside. Trixie was running late, as usual, because she could not figure out what to wear or how to make her hair and makeup look just perfect. She decided on a leather skirt with a tight pastel top and matching pastel fishnet tights. Katya was amazed when she saw her.

"You look so damn good," Katya said as Trixie entered the car. She blushed slightly, happy that all of her hard work and general indecisiveness had paid off in her favor.

"Who else is gonna be there tonight again?" Trixie was nervous. She generally got anxious around meeting new people and she was a perfectionist who always wanted to make a great impression on absolutely everyone she interact with.

"Mitch, Danny, Ellie, and Jodi," Katya said, smiling as she drove. "Mitch and Danny are really chill and funny. Mitch gets a little rowdy when he's drunk, though. Ellie is a bit sarcastic, so just let me know if she says anything that bothers you. You already know Jodi."

Trixie nodded along and listened to Katya (attempt to) sing along to the radio through giggles. As they arrived at the house, Katya parked out front and took Trixie's hand to lead her to the house.

Katya didn't knock- she didn't need to- and opened the door. She grabbed Trixie's hand and lead her to a basement with big couches, a TV, and tons of things to do. Katya's friend's were all sitting on and around the couch, Ellie and Danny sitting on bean bags.

"Wassup lesbos?" Mitch called at them, already a little tipsy. The comment made Trixie blush. She had been diving deeper and deeper into her own sexuality trying to discover who she truly was and she came to a groundbreaking conclusion: she had no idea.

"Oh, shush, Mitch," Katya said, squeezing Trixie's hand. The two of them sat on the couch beside Jodi. And they group began to talk about anything and everything. College, makeup, hookups, drugs, everything.

After about an hour, Trixie noticed Katya becoming restless. Her leg was bouncing up and down and she couldn't stop fidgeting. The rest of the group was, overall, pretty high. Trixie hadn't smoked anything- she had seen the affects of drug abuse first hand and had no interest in bringing that into her personal life or her body. However, she knew Katya did those types of things. That was what defines their friend group to outsiders; kids who know how to party hard.

"Katya," Trixie whispered into the girls ear, "you can smoke if you need to. Or drink. It's okay."

"I've gotta drive you home, babes," Katya said, holding Trixie's hand. Trixie smiled and squeezed her hand.

"I told my mom I was sleeping over at my kinda-friend Kim's house." Trixie was grinning. She wanted to see Katya as she would normally act at one of these parties.

Katya smiled softly, secretly glad Trixie was letting her do this. She was perfectly content with being as she was, though she noticed herself becoming more and more jittery. She was so consumed by whether or not Trixie was enjoying herself or enjoying her that she wasn't in the moment. "Are you sure?"

Trixie nodded and Katya asked Danny to pass the blunt along, which he did. Trixie watched as Katya inhaled long and slow, holding the smoke in her lungs for a moment, and then slowly releasing it with a deep exhale. The way her lips curled around the air woke something up in Trixie- Katya was fucking hot when she smoked. It made Trixie smile, blush, and she felt herself become the slightest bit aroused at the sight.

After watching Katya take a few hits from the blunt, she worked up the courage to take a little hit herself. Danny, Mitch, Ellie, and Jodi were all watching and encouraging her to not take too big of a hit. Katya held her hand as Trixie lifted the blunt to her lips and slowly inhaled a bit of the substance.

She inhaled and coughed immediately. It didn't feel good- it tasted bad and made her a little bit dizzy. As soon as it reached her lungs, she had to cough it back up. She couldn't do it. Mitch and Danny laughed at her, but not meanly.

"We've got a true angel here, folks," Ellie joked. "Can't even handle a little bit of the devil's lettuce." The group laughed, except for Katya, who's face was overcome with concern and worry. She was squeezing Trixie's hand so tight Trixie was sure she was going to take it right off.

"Are you okay?" Trixie nodded. "Are you sure?" Trixie nodded again, but Katya wouldn't let up.

"I'm good, I promise," Trixie said, smiling and trying to make the red in her face go away. She held Katya's hand tightly and smiled, looking into her gorgeous blue eyes.

After a bit more conversation, the group decided to put on a movie. They chose Coraline, which both Trixie and Katya had seen and adored. Trixie loved how cute it was, but she clung to Katya during the darker scenes. Katya loved the circus/gymnast and the mice. It was perfect.

Trixie readjusted and laid against Katya, wrapping her leg around her and leaving her head on Katya's chest. It felt so perfect, being able to listen to Katya's heartbeat and feel her breathing. Katya was high, but not too high, so she was mentally present for Trixie's cuddle session. She was so damn happy with the pretty girl laid against her. As she felt Trixie's breathing slow and steady out, Katya looked down at her face and saw her eyes were shut.

Long after the movie had ended and Katya was certain everyone had fallen asleep (after her high was gone, too), she caressed Trixie's face intimately, studying the delicate architecture of the girl. She was on cloud nine.

"Damnit, Trixie," she whispered, careful not to wake anyone up. "I like you so damn much. I really, really, really hope you like me too."

Trixie didn't hear what she said, but she felt Katya's gentle touch and knew there was no where else she would rather be.


a/n: thank you so much for 400 reads! i hope the extra-long update was a good treat :)

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