Being a Vampire's Mate

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Jesus! These men were killing me. More like Declan was killing me. I could feel him, he was trying to push his way into my head and I just didn't have the energy to fight him off. But somehow, I did. I wasn't the type of girl who could or even wanted to be controlled. My whole life someone was trying to control me. Trying to kill me, trying to get me to submit but I had stayed strong. But Declan was strong, stubborn and an Alfa male. I knew he liked control, he liked being in charge, leading the way. Maybe he was trying to protect me but maybe he didn't know how to. So he was doing the only thing he knew, taking charge.

I sighed as Alec moved in front of me, the growls coming from every side of me. I saw Arrin move behind me and Collin pulled me even closer. So much was going on in my head right then that I didn't know where to focus. Push Declan out of my head, calm my other three mates, smell Collin, he smelled yummy. Touch Alec, lean back into Arrin, try to help Declan understand. Save Bruce from Declan, get Snapper healed, fucking eat something.

"Enough!" I gathered all the strength I could find and yelled out. The hallway went eerily quiet and I tried to move forward but I swayed again.

"Get out of her head!" Alec growled low and threatening.

"I can't get in." Declan growled back, claws still wrapped tight around my mammoth friend's neck, glaring at Alec.

"You shouldn't even be trying? Get out of her head!" Alec snarled. I had to do something, they would ripe each other shreds and though I was annoyed and weak, I didn't want them fighting.

"Please stop!" I yelled, I put a hand on Colin's chest and heard him suck in an audible breath. "Please, just stop. Declan please!" I whimpered, it's the first time in my life that I whimpered. I needed him to calm down, inside my heart I knew what I needed to do but I was...scared. These men Scared the living shit out me. I moved forward, giving myself leverage while holding on to Collin, I touched Alec's back as gently as I could. His body reacted, his taunt muscles relaxed under my fingertips. I slowly moved past him, my hand trailing across his back till I was beside him. Slowly I let go of Collin and moved toward Declan. He watched me closely with those dark blue eyes, like a hawk. I reach out and barely grazed his other clawed hand that rested by his side.

"Please." I asked again. He didn't move, confusion took over his eyes. How old was this vampire, how long since he felt compassion, or anything other than anger? I moved the hand on Alec's down to his hand, I needed an anchor if I was going to deal with Declan. If I had any hope of calming him, I needed help. That didn't sit well with me, I had never asked for help before but I needed it now. Alec's hand wrapped around mine, the anger I felt from him disappeared, replaced with joy at the fact that I was leaning on him to help me. To give me strength.

"Declan." I said his name softly, gently. No contempt in my voice, no anger, no fear. I pleaded with him with my eyes. Moving my hand towards him again I linked our fingers together. I pushed every negative feeling and thought I had to the side. He needed to feel, he needed to feel me. It would calm him, probably confuse him but still calm him. I wasn't sure how I knew this but somewhere inside me I knew he needed me. When vampires were turned they lost their humanity, their souls. Their survival came from feeding from humans, being predators, creatures of the night. They didn't feel bad, they felt angry, lost, violent, and powerful. But I could feel what I did to them, I calmed them, Collin and Alec had proved as much. They needed me, craved me, wanted me. Alec's hand tightened in mine, his thumb grazed over my knuckles.

Declan's expression turned from feral to confused the second I linked our fingers. He needed this connection, he didn't need to be in my head, didn't need to control me. He needed to lean on me, trust me but I also needed to do the same. I was putting myself out there, opening myself up to him. With unsure eyes I watched him, I willed him to feel me, to open up to me and honestly, just calm the fuck down.

New World Queen (Part One of the New World Queen Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now