Being A Vampire Queen Arrin's POV

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I held back my grin as I walked behind her. She was a feisty little hybrid. Had been since I first discovered where the master placed her. She hadn't changed at all, other than growing up into a fine specimen of a woman.

She sure was giving these vampires a run for their money. I had heard that they normally went for human females, easy to control. Unfortunately, for my vampire co-mates, Riplyn seemed immune to their powers and instead of controlling her they just kept pissing her off. It was entertaining to watch. She was hard headed, stubborn and difficult but beautiful, funny and most of the times, tender hearted. Her feeling were easily hurt but unlike most females who would cry, Riplyn got mouthy and usually ended up in a fight.

I took a moment to admire her, I had never really been this close to her before. Her black curly hair was still damp and hung down her back to the waist. There was no back on that dress the vampires got for her so every so often her hair would sway and her markings would show. They were so unique, small, delicate black and silver swirls and lines filled the left side of her back, right to her spin. There didn't seem to be a pattern to them, but I knew they were meet for us, her mates. How? I wasn't sure. Why? Still didn't know. But I was determined to find out.

Continuing my search of her back side, my glaze landed on her perfectly shaped rounded butt. The dress hugged it perfectly, making me want to nibble on it.

"Bloody hell, it's dark and dusty in this place. Ever think about hiring a housekeeper, or you know, opening a window. I mean shit, I must've breathed in ten pounds of dust already, I swear when I leave I'll have asthma." Riplyn said, interrupting my thoughts about her butt. Now, several things happened at once.

Alec spoke up the same time as Collin, "Do you complain all the time?"

"It's not that bad."

Declan had to put his two cents in and of course what he said, pissed her off. "Your not leaving halfbreed mate. You belong to us now."

Riplyn froze, her back stiffened, her hands fisted and a growl rumbled through her chest. She spun on her heel, pointed to Alec, "I am NOT complaining, I'm stating a fact."

Finger point to Collin, "yes, it IS that bad."

She spun again and glared hard at Declan who glared right back. "I am NOT staying here, I don't belong to anyone. Go find yourself a perfect little pureblooded vampire to mate with because this halfbreed wants nothing to do with your pompous, jack assed pureblooded dick." She moved away from him, "oh and by the way..." She said stopping and turning once more. My thought, what she was about to say, it would not be good. "Call me a halfbreed again and I'll cut your tongue out and shove it up your immortal, blood sucking ass." With that, she nodded once and turned on her heel and walked away from us. I have come to learn how Riplyn works, when her feelings get hurt she snaps back with fowl language and threats. I glance over at Declan and shake my head at the shocked, open mouth vampire.

"In case your wondering, she doesn't like being called a halfbreed. I would use the term hybrid if you want to keep your tongue." I said to him. He looks at me.

"Is she always like this?" He asked while running his hand through his hair and rubbing his neck.

"Only when she is insulted, ordered around or pissed." He shakes his head.

"It seems she is always one of those things." Collin says.

"She is just used to it, no one respects her, they all think she is a freak and shouldn't exist. It's actually..." I pause trying to think of the word I want to use, "she hasn't had it easy." I finish instead. "There is sweetness in her and she can be funny and witty, but only to those who respect her." I think back to the pixie friend she had. It was the only friend I think she had ever really had. He knew how to handle her, and I think he is the only one who has actually made her laugh.

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