New World Queen

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Chapter 3

Four years! Four years I have been nonstop training. Nonstop nose in books learning. I had to admit I could retain a lot of was like I couldn't forget any thing I read.

I didn't socialize much, not because I didn't like anybody or because I felt I was better than anyone else. I just... I don't know, felt awkward around the other kids.

Oh yeah, let me explain. Drako sent me to school, not just any school, an elite school for supernaturals. Kinda like X-man but with vampires, werewolves, elves and fairies and such. The only friend I actually had was a red pixie named Roland. I know, I know, another pixie friend for me. Honestly though they weren't very judgmental and were fun to hang around.

Everyone here was training for something, some because they were royalty and needed to learn all the basics. This was the place to do it. Some others because of their bloodlines were meant to protect, they trained here. Others because they had money, I guess their parents just wanted them to be something greater than a lazy rich supernatural. Whatever, I still wasn't sure why the hell I was here, no one really liked me. Like I said I was awkward...I guess that's a good enough reason. I didn't care, I just wanted to learn whatever it was thAt I need to learn and get the hell out of dodge.

I was sitting under my favorite weeping willow by the lake front when the hairs on the back of my neck stood straight up. My skin begin to tingle, no correction my markings begin to tingle. I looked around me, knowing someone was watching me but saw nothing out of the ordinary. No one was around. At least not that I could see. But I still felt like I was begin watched. And whoever it was was affecting my markings, weird because I have never felt that before. I looked around one more time, really studying my surroundings when I saw it. A shimmer or a wave of air? Not really sure how to describe it, it was like...someone was being invisible! An elf or fairy. They were the only ones that I knew of that could do that type of magic. I stood and stared hard at the shimmer, we'll just call it a shimmer for now.

"What do you want?" I asked the shimmer. O-Kay, now I was talking to invisible people. It could be nothing, or...

The shimmer moved towards the woods, I followed it, it picked up speed, so did I. Soon I was running full speed after a shimmer. My eyes stayed trained on it, it weaved around and what I could only assume trying to get rid of me. Ha! If it only knew, I use my shifter side, half shifting into a wolf. They have the best sense of smell, inhaling deeply I froze the second his scent hit my nose.

'Mate.' The wolf in me growled. Forest, spice and male hit me hard. I shook my head and inhaled again. It couldn't be. 'Mate, mate, mate.' Again and again my shifter side growled and urged me to keep following but I didn't move. Instead I backed up. One foot, two feet, by the third foot I relocated the male shimmer. Inhale, elf, male, mate. My nose gave me my details. I shook my head to clear it and to control the animal in me. It wasn't working.

"No!" I screamed it straight at the shimmer then turned and bolted my, not ready for a mate, ass back to the elite building.

I moved fast, blur worthy fast. I had no idea if the elf was following me but I didn't care, I was so out of there.

The moment I burst from the woods I spun and stared into the deep woods. Nothing. I inhaled, allowing my animal to surface a few seconds. He was close but not that close.

"There you are!" I squealed, jumped and spun throwing my fist out and connecting with a very shocked red pixie. "Ouch, what the fuck was that?" He yelled, or more like squealed. Blood poured out his nose, over his hand and on to his white shirt.

"Shit, Roland, you scared me!" I yelled back at him.

"I scared you?" He yelled back. "What the hell princess?" He continued to yell while trying to stop the bleeding. I sighed and moved towards him.

New World Queen (Part One of the New World Queen Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now