New World Queen

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He took the infant from the pixie after she cleaned her up. The child was beautiful, a full head of silky black hair, small button nose. Her ears were pointed taking after her mother's elfven side. Her eyes, two different colors, her left eye was silver, not grey but pure silver and her right eye was green. A deep green of the forest. Her skin was soft and tan with a Pink tint from her being newly exposed to the world. But the most idenifing thing about her was her markings. Markings that told of her destiny. A child born of exiled true mates, both royals in their world but exiled because of who they ended up being mated too.
A royal shifter and a princess of the elfs could not be true mates and they both were banished from their worlds to make it on their own.
Now here he was, Drako, sent to do his master's bidding and collect the future queen of the new world for him.
He looked over her markings carefully, tiny, delicate black and silver lines and swirls adorned her left side. From her hairline down to her pinky toe. Her entire left side was wrapped with these markings. Her markings were beautiful and intricate. He knew they each told a story of what her future held. The phrophey spoke of a child born from banished royals, mated to the elite eight, who would bare the children of the future. Bringing together all the different races of supernaturals as their new queen. Because of who she was, who she was to be mated with and the children she would bare, she was coveted. She was also in grave danger. He knew this before he had even been sent to retrieve her.
His job was simple, find the marked child, kill her parents, take her for tweleve years, raise her as his own and then Give her to his master. From there his master would deal with her. His job was simiply raise her and teach her everything he could. He could this, Drako, centuries old now, his heart had grown cold and dark. He felt nothing but darkness.
"Can I see my baby please?" The elfen princess asked. He looked up from the infant and studied her mother. She was beyond beautiful. Other worldly beautiful. Her eyes matched her daughter's right eye. Deep forest green, her hair was brown and straight, falling past her waist. She had a soft glow, a new mother glow to her. He felt a pang of saddness hit him and scowled himself for it. He didnt feel saddness any more, he didnt understand why he felt it now. He had a job to do and he would do it. He had to kill the parents.
"I'm sorry but no, you cannot see her." Her father instantly growled, his fangs elongated from his gums. His silver eyes begin to glow and anger plused from him. His daughter had his hair, black as night, and her silver eye matched his. The time was drawing near. He would have to play his next move carefully.
"Give my mate our daughter or die blood sucker." He growled out.
"Ripper, please." The princess said to her mate and turned her eyes back on the vampire that held her daughter. Tears made her eyes glisten, she knew what was coming. Her nightmares from the past two months were becoming reality.
"Please Drako, please let me see her just once, let me name my daughter before you take her away."
Drako frowned, he should have known the elf would know of his plans, how could he tell her no. It was one simple request. He nodded his head once, looking at the infant before handing her over to her mother.
"She is perfect, so beautiful." The elf stared at her daughter with so much love, a soft smile playing on her lips. She ran her finger down the child's cheek and her smile widened when the infant wrapped her tiny marked left hand around her mother's finger.
"A beautiful little girl, my little Riplyn River Ryann." She kissed her small nose and whispered into the child's pointed ear, the unmarked ear. "you are destined for great things my daughter, never forget who you are, and that we love you so much. We will always be with you my sweet Riplyn." The princess kissed her daughter's forehead and angled her so her father could look at her.
"She looks like you River, beautiful and perfect. You did a wonderful job." The tears that Princess River had held at bay finally fell down her cheeks.
"I really wish we could see her grow up Ripper. I don't want to lose her." Ripper stared at his daughter, the child that had both his and his mates looks combined, a single tear ran down his face. He leaned forward and kissed his daughter's tiny button nose.
"Mommy and daddy love you so much Riplyn." He looked at his mate and smiled, kissed her firmly but gently, giving her as much love as he could into this one kiss. Possibility, their last kiss. He wouldn't lose his girls without a fight. "I love you River, you are my heart and no matter what you will always be with me. Do you understand?" River nodded her head and kissed her mate back.
"I love you too Ripper."
Drako knew this was it. It was time to kill Riplyn's parents and take her so she could start her destiny. He watched as the animal shifter began to shift into a large black wolf. Ripper wasn't just one kind of animal shifter, he was the animal shifter. His royal blood made him the King of all the shifters. He just had to think of an animal and that was the animal he would become.
Ripper growled low and snarled, pulling his gums back to show a mouth full of dangerously sharp fangs. He crouched low ready to lung at Drako and take him down before he completed his task. Ripper knew this was a lost cause. He couldn't defeat Drako on his own, but he and River had no one but themselves. He knew they were going to die; he would have to be dead for Drako to take his daughter. As long as he lived no one would take his little girl.
Drako stood still as stone, watching Ripper move slowly towards him, ready to shred him to pieces. River pulled her daughter closer into her chest, trying her best to protect her. It wouldn't help, Drako would get the girl.
Ripper lunged but as he was closing in, Drako spun on one foot, pulling his dagger out and slicing across Ripper's throat in one fluid motion. The shifter fell to the floor in a heap of fur, blood pooling around him. River screamed and ran towards her fallen mate, keeping Riplyn close to her chest.
"Princess." Drako said, he waited till the tear streaked Elf Princess looked up at him. Eyes filled with pain and fear.
"Give me the child Princess. I don't want to hurt her." River glared and started mummering words Drako knew to be a spell. He sighed, moved lightening fast behind the princess, took her head and twisted. Her neck snapped and she collasped beside her mate.
The hybird infant was screaming at this point. Drako picked her up out of her mother's limp arms and looked over her to make sure she was alright.
"Nessie!" Drako yelled for the pixie who flu over to his side.
"Yes master?" She asked.
"Take the child to my home in the protected forest. I'll clean up this mess and meet you there in a couple hours." He handed the child to Nessie who began a light bounce to try to calm her.
"Yes master." The pixie agreed with a small bow of her green little head. Then she disappeared into the air taking the screaming infant with her.
Drako stood and stared at Riplyn's parents laying side by side in their death. He felt that pang of saddness again and shook it off. No room for weakness, he needed to remaine tough and hard. He had a long twelve years coming up and couldn't afford to lose focus, unless he wanted to lose his life.
With a final nod, he cleaned up the mess, burning the bodies of the banished royals before heading to his forest.

New World Queen (Part One of the New World Queen Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now