My Fairy Mate

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Why did I do this?
Why did I take his hand?
Why did it feel right to take his hand?
Why do I continue to trust him?
Why? Why? Why?
Why can't I just let him go?
Why do his eyes pull me in?
Why does the firey passion in his eyes spark something inside me?
Why can't I just say no to him?
Why? Why? Why?
Colors blur and spin, in my weakened state it makes me dizzy, bringing on nausea.
"I'm going to be sick." I groan.
"Almost there." He says as a reply, I am nervous, very fucking nervous, which doesn't help with the churning of my stomach.
"Almost where?" I try to concentrate on other things to keep my head from spinning. It isn't working.
"Look at me, not around you." He says, grabbing my chin and turning my head so we are face to face. I want to turn away, I am still mad at him and I am now mad at myself for coming along with him. What had I been thinking? Was I asking for a death wish? Oh, who am I kidding...aren't I always!
I take my eyes off his and look at his chest. "I didn't know you had actual wings." I comment, still trying to keep my mind off the stupid move I made and the queasy stomach.
"I can pop, so I don't need them much." He replies, his voice sounding a little disappointed.
"Oh, ok." I have no idea what else to say to him. He sighs but says nothing.
Then my feet hit solid ground and I release a breath. The nausea stops and I am truly grateful. I don't think I have anything in my stomach to throw up anyway. Matter of fact, I don't think I've eaten all day which makes my stomach growl, loudly. I cover it with a hand and blush.
"Hungry?" Easton ask with an amused face.
"Apparently." I snort out. Looking away from Easton I take in our surroundings. My confusion hits hard, we are standing on a hill. As far as my eyes can see, ruins. Everything, everywhere is in ruins. The trees and ground are burnt to a charred crisp, buildings that I can only assume used to be beauitful, tall and proud are crumbled, mostly burnt and barely there.
"Where are we?" I ask, stunned and still so very confused.
"The light realm." He says sadly. My eyes widen, mouth drops and I turn to stare at him.
"What the fuck? You sent us through another portal? Are YOU asking for a death wish?" I yell, while adding a shove against his chest. He barely moves, in fact I don't think my yelling and shove bothered him at all. Just goes to show you how weak I am at the moment. But how the hell could he think I would be okay with going through another damn portal with him? He must be out of his damn mind.
He doesn't look at me, he just stares out across the charred land. His stance is rigid and tight. His teeth clenched so tightly that a muscle ticks in his jaw. There are strain lines around his purple eyes.
"This was my home." He says without looking at me. I look around again, that isn't possible, this place is...dead.
"What happened here? I thought the light realm was suppose to be..." I trail off, obviously I have gotten my facts wrong. Or maybe Easton took a wrong turn.
"The elves came and destroyed everything." His voice is full of anger and regret. I move away from him and carefully touch what I think was a small tree that's brunt to just a small stick sticking out of the ground. The instant the tip of my fingers brush along the crispy bark, the thing crumbles to the ground into a pile of ash.
"Why would they...they wouldn't...I don't understand. The entire light realm is destroyed?" Now I have only read about the light realm, fairies, nymphs, kelpie, pixies, even light elves lived here along with thousands of other supernatural creatures. There isn't a soul here, not even from nature. My heart screams out for the lose. This place was suppose to be magical, beyond beautiful and peaceful. It's...nothing now. There is no life, no pulse coming from the earth.
"They didn't like the way we lived, I guess. They never stopped to tell us the reasons. One day they just came. The light realm wasn't much with fighting. So when the dark elves came, who are very good at fighting, they tore us down quickly."
"No one fought against them?"
"Oh we tried but we were outnumbered and out skilled. They came in the middle of night, before we really knew what was going on." I am shocked by all this. The dark elves did this? Why?
"What happened Easton?" I ask quietly, turning to face him.
"We were mostly killed off. The court council, you know them has spring, summer, fall and winter did everything they could. Those that didn't die, fled or were turned into slaves." The pain in his voice tells me he was here when it happened.
"How old were you?" I ask gently, knowing this is shaky ground for us.
"We were ten." He says, his brilliant purple eyes studying me hard.
"We?" He nods his head.
"My twin sister and me. Our parents were the summer court." His parents were the summer court...twin sister...anything for family.
"You and your sister were put into slavery." I state, having already read between the lines. He nods his head and looks back out over the desolate land.
"I'm so sorry Easton. This is...horrible, horrific, cruel. This isn't right!" I stomp my foot on the ground and the earth shakes, my powers are coming back. Quicker than normal. Clenching my teeth together I turn away from Easton and take several deep breaths.
"My grandfather did this, didn't he?" I ask, Easton doesn't say a word, but he doesn't have too, I already know.
"I guess I know where my destructive side comes from." I'm going to kill that son of a bitch. How could somebody be so cruel? Why destroy what was once full of life? I just don't understand how I could be part of someone who cares nothing for anyone else. Who would destroy an entire world, and for what? Slaves? Being mightier than all others?
"Why did you bring me here? You know the others aren't going to be happy after they find out you took me to another Realm, again." I question. I turn and study him. He isn't looking at me, I watch his face scrunch up and when he turns to me, the fire in his eyes makes me back a step up.
"Because YOU wanted to know the truth. And I can't TELL you the truth. I had to show you so you could understand." His shoulders slump forward.
"Are you expecting me to trust you now?" Slowly he shakes his head.
"I just thought, maybe, you might understand a little a better. Maybe you would..." He stops and sighs. Shaking his head. "This was a bad idea, we should go back, you're right, the others will probably kill me." He says, it seems as if he is defeated. The slump of his wide shoulders, the corner of his lips dropped in a frown. The sadness in his normally bright eyes. It's as if he has given up and for some unknown freaking reason, my heart bleeds for him. For what he has lost, for being ensalved to my grandfather.
"Why didn't you kill me?" I whisper the question, it seems to echo.
"I almost did, remember?" He replies back, looking at the ground, shuffling his feet.
"But you didn't. You were close but you didn't. Why not? You could have easily, I wasn't even, I didn't even would've been easy." I whisper the last part, I had not been paying attention. I had no idea there was going to be an attack on me at that moment. I was too pissed with Arrin to even think about pay attention. I don't know why it just came into my head this instant. But he didn't kill me and he could have. Why?
"Because I knew who you were. I knew the moment I saw you, I wouldn't be able to actually do it. Even hurting you was painful to me. But I had to get you to the dark realm. I didn't mean to make the blast so strong, I just wanted to knock you out, not rip your wing, arm off." He mummers. I stare at him, his eyes lift up and connect with mine.
Why can't I say no to him?
Why do I believe him?
What is it about him?
"I don't know what to say Easton. I'm so confused." I shake my head and break the eye contact. Sucking in a deep breath, I look around me again. Sadness takes over my being. This is horrible. I can almost see the way this place is suppose to be. Tall, intricate buildings of the Fae. Lush, vivid colors of flowers and greenery. Creatures running around making homes and loving life. But nothing is here now.
"Why are you crying?" Easton whispers to me. I glance at him and wipe my cheek, to my surprise, there are tears rolling down.
"I can picture what it use to look like. All the life, the energy." Shaking my head I stretch my arm out, "this shouldn't have happened. I just don't understand how anyone could do this. Especially elves. Their suppose to be a part of nature. Helping it, living with it, living for it but this..." My head shaking gets fierce. "This is unacceptable." My hands curl into fist as my favorite emotion sparks inside my chest.
I wrap my arms around my chest, just now remembering I am still naked. Good grief, why am I always losing clothes? Dropping my head I stare at the black dirt. Why? Why? Why? My emotions are all over the place now. Again. I want to run away from them but I know, deep down. I need to figure them out, it's time to stop running. Time to face what I need to do. Be the person I am suppose to be. And if that is a freaking queen with eight mates, then that's what I will be.
"Why can't I let you go?" I whisper. I hear him suck in a breath.
"I don't know Riplyn. But...but if it helps, I don't want you too. You make me feel. I haven't felt anything in a long time." His voice is sad but there is something there I recognize, hope. My fingers move up to my shoulder and trace the scar that surrounds my entire shoulder. I never asked how my wolves got my arm back on. It will never fade, never go away, will never be covered up by my markings or tattoos or whatever the hell they are. It'll always be there. A reminder. But instead of getting pissed off at Easton, I am pissed at the Elf King. My grandfather. Using my people for his own benefits. He needs to be taken down. And it's time for me to step up.
"You really believe that I am the one?" I whisper my question while staring at the destroyed land of the light realm.
"I do." He says softly. I turn to look at him and notice his eyes follow my fingers still tracing the scar that wraps around my shoulder. The pain in his eyes lets me know he is unhappy about what he had to do. Trust, trust, trust. Can I trust him? Can I let go of the betrayal? Can I forgive him for what he has done?
I suck my bottom lip into my mouth and bit down on it.
"I want to trust you Easton. I still have hope for us. I don't know why, or even if it is smart. But. I know deep down, I can't let you go." I shake my head. "I just don't understand. What is the purpose of sending you after me."
"To keep you from your destiny, I would presume. It's not like I am told the reasons, I..." He makes a choked sound then huffs out a frustrated breath; I know it's because he can't tell me what he wants.
"Is a mating bond stronger than a blood oath?" I ask the question that's been plaguing my mind since Colton and Jaxon brought it up.
"I...I really don't know. But if I was to assume, then yes, I believe it is." He answers hesitantly. "Why do you ask?" I chuckle at his question.
"It's been on my mind for a while. I don't know much about blood oaths. I was curious."
"You're thinking if we mate then my blood oath to the Elf King would be noll and void?" I shrug, still not looking at him.
"A mating is, is a connection, body, heart and soul. A blood oath is simply blood." I mummer.
"You would have to trust me." He says from right behind me, I don't turn to look at him. I can't. I have to figure this out. Can I trust him? With my heart, soul and body. I trace the scar lines again. I jump when I feel easton's fingers travel up the scars on the back of my shoulder.
"I am so sorry Riplyn." They'll never go away, they'll never fade away. These battle scars, scars that'll remind me of what happened. How I felt when it happened. The cost of love. I gasp as I realize what I just thought. Love. Do I love Easton? Yes, yes I do. And what's more, I want too.
I turn to look at him, his hand falls to his side. Such a beautiful man. Blond hair, light as the sun. Brilliant purple eyes, narrow nose, thin upper lip and a full lower lip. His chest isn't overly muscular like my wolves, he is lean and tall but defined. I cock my head to the side.
"Can I touch your wings?" Don't ask me why I am so fascinated with his wings, I can't tell you. I never bothered to studied Roland's wings before.
Easton's chuckling snaps my head back up to his. "What?" I huff.
"You're really into my wings, huh?" He ask while smirking at me and wiggling his eyebrows. I roll my eyes and shake my head.
"No." I say as I turn away from. "Just forget I asked." I start to walk away from him when he pops in front of me. "Damnit, I really hate when you guys do that."
Easton laughs a full on belly laugh. "How is it, that you could keep up with a vampire king's speed and not the rest of your vampires or me?" He looks truly curious.
"I was focused then, I have to be. It takes a lot to track a mature vampire. And I don't track Dec, Collin or Alec. And you just pop. How the hell can I even begin to try to track you?" I snap back with arms crossed over my breast. His eyes flicker down for a second before quickly snapping back to my face.
"Enjoying the view?" I growl. He grins.
"Immensely." he answers with a husky voice. I open my mouth, then close it. "Still want to touch my wings?"
"How is it that you can make that sound prevented?" I grumble, not making a move to reach out to touch them even though I really do want to. They look so delicate, so fragile. But they can't be that fragile, they have got to be able to lift his body.
"That's because my wild, beautiful, little hybrid, they are extremely sensitive, and usually not touched by anyone except a mate." He says while circling me. "I don't mind." He whispers in my ear.
"I don't know." I mummer, not really wanting to turn him on right now, I am still not sure what to do with him but I have to admit, this is one of the best conversations I have had with him.
"Don't tell me you're scared." He teases me. I huff out a breath and snort, not ladylike at all.
"I'm not scared." I say as I lift my chin up.
"Then what are you waiting for." I hesitate again, pursuing my lips. "I promise I'll be good." I glance up at him.
"What is your definition of good?" I ask while narrowing my eyes at him. He barks out a laugh, then leans in close to me, our faces align and my breathing automatically picks up. Damn him.
"Oh you know, making you scream my name over and over. You won't be disappointed." He winks at me and I nod.
"That's what I thought." I turn away from him and start walking the other direction when I suddenly run smack dab into his chest.
"Damnit Easton!" I growl, his arms wrap around my waist, pulling me close to his body. And I am sure you can guess what my response is, my markings seem to have a life of their own. Damn traitors! Heart pounding, breathing short and erratic, face flushed as my body temperature starts to rise.
"Touch them." He whispers quietly, I dare to look in his eyes again, big mistake, he has what I am now going to call..bedroom eyes. Dark and intense, like purple fire. "Please." His eyes flash and I sigh.
"Fine. Turn around." His brows arch. "If you want me to touch them then turn around." I stand my ground.
"You are no fun." I smirk as he pouts.
"Never said I was, did I? Now, turn around." He rolls his eyes at me but turns around. At first they are pressed tightly against his back, then they slowly start to stretch out.
They remind me of bees wings. There are two bones connected at his shoulder blades and they stretch out to meet at a point. Thin shinny paper, it's the only way I can describe them, stretched tightly around the bones, as the sun hits them they take on a more iridescent look. Purple, blue, yellow, green colors pop out and blend together as they are exposed to the sun. Then there is another, smaller set of wings just below the larger set.
My hand shakes as I reach out to touch them but I stop before my finger tips come into connect.
"Riplyn?" Easton questions, glancing up at his face that is turned slightly towards me.
"Hum?" I look back to his wings, bit my lower lip as my fingers brush against them gently. Easton sucks in a breath, his wings tremble and I let out a surprised yelp as they vibrate against my fingers. With a giggle I touch them again.
"They're softer than they look." I comment, marveling at his wings. I figured they would feel like paper but they feel like they have a velvet covering over them. Running my finger tips over them again, they vibrate again and Easton groans.
"You ok?" I ask, I move to touch one of the bones. They aren't flexible, again going against what they look like, the bones are hard as steel.
"Yes." I glance up, easton's breathing is coming in small puffs, his head is lowered, eyes closed, his mouth set in a thin line. His hands are fisted by his side.
"Are you sure? I can stop." I say watching him closely. He turns his head so I can see him better, when his eyes make contact with mine, I suck in a sharp breath.
"Don't." He whispers. I nod, glance back at his wings then back to his face. His eyes pull me in, desire, want, lust shine like beacons to me. I don't look away, I can't, he has captivated me. Sucked me in, pulled me up to his level. I want him, there is no denying the facts, my body is alive and ready for him. My hand, which now seems to have a mind of its own, gently runs across his wing span, our eyes staying connected the entire time. They vibrate again, they make no noise just a gentle breeze that flows across my face. Like a caress.
Then he turns and grabs me, his arms wrapping around my waist, hands splaying out against my back. His touch sends a million sparks and bolts through my body.
"Can you trust me?" He ask, his voice sounding breathless and husky. I nod my head and he groans, lowers his mouth to the tender skin below my ear. He nips at my skin then kisses the same spot. Shivers run up and down my spin, causing my back to arch, chest to push into his chest. My head rolls to side to allow him better access.
"Mm. You taste so good. Say you can trust me. Please. I need to hear you say it out loud." He whispers in my ear, his lips brushing against my skin and his hot breath caressing my neck. I moan and open my mouth.
The words get stuck in my throat. This is a crucial moment for us both. If I say yes, he will take me. I have no doubts and I will let him. If I say I don't, I am not sure what will happen. I know that it'll hurt him, it'll hurt me too. I have a strong feeling that the mating bond will break the blood oath. If I do that, if he allows that, he will be free from the Elf King. But I will still need to get his people away from my sadist grandfather.
"I can trust you Easton, I want too." I finally push out.
"Good enough for me." His lips crash down on mine and I lose all sense of reality. My body is only focused on Easton's body. The way his hands move across my skin, how his body fits against mine. His skin is hot, reminding me of his confession of being from the Summer Court. My hands slide up his chest, around his neck as I grab his long hair and pull him closer. He groans, I moan. I hear a pop and suddenly feel the scratchy ground against my back. My eyes open as he pulls away from me, holding himself up over me as he looks down on me. It's like he is trying to memorize me, his wings are going crazy behind him. Still no sound but the sun catches the iridescent colors.
Damn, he's hot as sin. He reminds me of a surfer, tan skin, blond hair, bright eyes.
"Are you sure? Once we start, Riplyn, I don't think I'll be able to stop." He says in a low voice, his eyes searching my own.
"I'm sure." I say on an exhale. I reach up and run my fingers down his chest, stopping to feel his heart pounding against his chest, I continue down till I get to his pants. He watches me intently, studying me. I snap the button loose on his pants and grab him. I watch his face, his eyes close and he pulls a lungful of air into his body, his chest expanding. I move my hand and his body trembles, when his eyes open, I know there is definitely no going back. He lowers his body against mine and takes my mouth hostage again. Our tongues meet, dancing together, sliding against the other, tasting, teasing, wanting. His knees move between my legs and he spreads them, wrapping my legs around his waist, I use my feet to push his pants down the rest of the way. There is no time to reconsider anything, he pushes inside me suddenly.
"Oh Riplyn, damn girl, you feel so good." He pulls out and pushes in. My body arches up against his as I lose myself to Easton. My hands move across his shoulders till my fingers graze his wings. He makes a sound like a growl and starts thrusting into me harder. I cry his name out as he hits my spot, thrusting my hips to meet his.
"Again?" He ask, all I can do is nod as the air is pulled from my lungs. "Say it." He groans.
"Again. Easton." I cry out and he gives us both what we need.
I feel my body tremble and know that it's time, my gums tingle, my fingers shift into claws as I grip the ground with life crushing force. I open my eyes to see him watching me.
"Bite me." He says, his eyes dark and intense. Wrapping my arms around his neck I pull him down, I lick his skin at the nape of his neck. Then bite quickly but hard. His blood rushes into my mouth, I moan at the sweetness of it. He cries out, I'm surprise when his blunt teeth bite hard into the flesh close to my scarred shoulder. It hurts for three whole seconds before my world explodes. I see stars, sunburst of colors, it's as if a shock wave shot through my body. We sink into each other, panting. He pulls me close and kisses the spot where he bit me.
"I didn't know fairy's bit." I say once I have caught my breath. He chuckles,
"When in Rome." He says with laughter in his voice. He pulls back and looks down at me. "No regrets?" His eyes studying me carefully, I grin at him and shake my head.
"Not yet, but there is still time for you to fuck up." I wink at him as he shakes his head and laughs. He turns to his side, pulling me close.
"You know, you made grass grow." He says, eyes closed, face pointed at the sun.
"What?" My brows furrow and I lift up a little to notice that he is right. I didn't even pay attention. The once dry, scratchy, dead ground is now full of grass, vines, flowers in a twenty foot diameter circle around us.
"I did that?" I ask stunned. He chuckles and glances at me.
"Yes, don't look so surprised, you are really powerful." I am definitely surprised.
"But I didn't, I mean, I wasn't trying." I huff out a breath. Staring at the now lush ground surrounding us. How the hell?
"You didn't feel it?" He ask, watching me with an amused look on his face.
"No, did you?" He nods his head.
"It felt like you pulsed." He mummers before his eyes squeeze together and his head falls against the now soft grass. I prop myself up and study him, every beautiful, perfect inch of him. My eyes stop when I notice my markings wrapping around his hip. He gasps as my markings continue to his...well, you know.
"Cool." I breath out, moving closer to study them.
"While you're down there." He says with a chuckle. I pinch his thigh.
"Ow." He grabs me and throws me onto the ground playfully. I wrap my legs around his waist and angle myself so I flip him onto his back and I'm straddling him.
"Do you feel any different?" I ask looking at down at him, he looks into my eyes, all playfulness gone.
"You mean with the blood oath?" He ask, his lips pulling down into a frown. My heart plummets, it didn't work. Shit shit shit! Of course, just my damn luck. I sigh and lay my head on his chest.
"It didn't work, did it?" I ask quietly, disappointment heavy in my voice. I feel his hand travel up my spine, his fingers run through my hair.
"Look at me." He says quietly. I sigh but lift my head up, saddened by the fact that the mating didn't do completely what I wanted.
"I'm sorry, I thought it would work." He cocks his head to the side.
"Is that the only reason you...we." He pauses and takes a deep breath, hurt shinning through his eyes.
"Actually, I was just hoping that would be an extra benefit. I meant it when I said I didn't regret what we did. I was just hoping it would free you from my asshole of a grandfather. I'm sorry it didn't work." And I mean it, every single word. Easton is mine and that is the way it is suppose to be. The way fate intended. It feels right but my heart is still heavy with disappointment. I just wished it had worked the way I wanted it too.
"Riplyn?" I look up into Easton's eyes and see him grinning from ear to ear. My eyes narrow on him.
"What?" My chest rumbles with a growl.
"I don't feel him in my head." He says, excitement dancing in his eyes.
"But I thought..." I sit up straight and study him. He continues to lay on the lush fresh grass looking up at me. His hands reach up and wrap around my waist, the leave a wake of fire as the move up over my skin.
"I wasn't sure at first, and I thought that's the only reason you agreed." He shrugs his shoulders.
"So you were testing me." I jerk back like he slapped me. He starts shaking his head.
"No, I didn't say that."
"You implied it." I growl, pulling further away.
"Please stop. Don't do this. I wanted you, needed you. I didn't mate with you to get rid of your grandfather in my head. But like you said, it is a nice benefit. It's really nice not to have him digging around in my mind and making me do his dirty work." I bit my lower lip as his hand moves to my back, pulling me closer to him. "Come here." His voice is low and husky again and I can feel him getting excited all over again. I relent, I let him pull me down so our chest connect, skin to skin.
"I want you again, Riplyn." I nod and moan as his hips push up against mine. This time feels different. With his markings on his hip and upper thigh, on half his...cough...junk, the lightening bolts shoot directly through us both. As he enters me we connect in way I didn't know was possible, his emotions pour into me, his desire, love, need and wants pound into me. It's so hard to breath, his fingers grip my hips hard as he moves me. His hips thrusting up to meet mine, I plant my hands on his chest, feeling his heart pound in sync with mine.
"You're are mine Riplyn, never letting you go. Feel so good baby. Need you so much." He mummers words continually while we let ourselves get lost in each other again.
"We're going to have to go back soon." I mummer while laying on his chest, my fingers doodling across his skin. He sighs.
"I know." He doesn't sound thrilled, propping my head up on my hand, I look down at his face. He has a contented smile on his face and this has to be the most relaxed I've ever seen him.
"You worried." I state. He shrugs his shoulders, his head falls to the side as his opens his eyes to look at me.
"They're probably going to kill me." He lets out a humorless chuckle.
"Why do you say that?" I ask, running a finger down the center of his chest.
"I took you through another portal. Kept you here for quiet some time now. They probably think I killed you."
"Well, you did wear me out." I grin at him, he smiles back at me.
"I don't believe that for a second."
"Are you calling me a liar?" He chuckles at my fake shock.
"Nope, just that you have several males to keep happy, i am pretty sure that your libido is doesn't stop. My horny little hybrid." He laughs when I roll my eyes.
"Can't argue with that." I say as I sit up and stretch out my muscles. "But we really should be getting back. I don't want to worry the others, it's not fair to them."
"Ok, if you insist. But for the record, if they kill me, i want you to know that I..." He shakes his head, "thank you." I raise my eyebrows and then start laughing.
"Thank you?" I say before another laughs breaks through. "For what? Fucking you?" He chuckles and shakes his head.
"For trusting me, even after I..." His lips drop again, his eyes dart over to my scarred shoulder. "After everything I did. I'm so sorry, I will never ever hurt you like that again." He says so seriously my laughter stops abruptly. I look into his eyes and smile tenderly at him.
"I will be honest with you, I have been conflicted about you since I met you."
"I know."
"Did you let them catch you?" I ask.
He shrugs, "actually, I got a little cocky with my game and Alec out smarted me." I smile at that.
"Sounds like Alec. Did they hurt you really bad?" I ask, wondering what exactly they did to him before I met him. I do remember Declan saying he had tried to get Easton to talk but he didn't. I wouldn't be surprised if some torture came out of it.
"Nothing I couldn't heal from." He says, giving nothing away.
"I can imagine Declan not going easy on you." I mummer.
"He didn't but he knew he needed me to open the portal so death wasn't an option, at least not till they met up with you. Speaking of that, why didn't YOU kill me?" I shrug.
"I couldn't, I thought about it a lot, but just never seriously thought about it. That makes no sense." I shake my head and he chuckles.
"I understand what you mean. You were scared of me though, I overheard Colton saying something to Ryan and Declan about that."
"Well, you were the first one to ever get that close to killing me. It came as a shock, I really just...I didn't want to die alone. Then I thought about how I would never get to apologize to Arrin for what I said to him. I had just had my first kiss with Declan and didn't think I would ever see any of them again. It was just a reality check for me really." Looking out over the land, past the area that now looks like a mini forest, apparently I pulse every time I cum, who knew! But past my little orgasm forest, hehe, that's what I'm calling it, there is still dead land. "I realized that I really didn't want to be alone anymore. I was tired of fighting by myself, I just...I was just scared. And you being near me reminded me of what I felt when I was dying." I mummer, still not looking at him.
"I am sorry Riplyn. I wish I...I can't take back what I did, to you or Ryan but I can promise that for the rest of our lives, I will make it up to you. Every single day. I promise with everything in me." I look over at him and can see and feel how serious he is, he truly means it.
"Well, if it happens again, I can't promise I won't kill you but please don't." He leans and kisses my lips softly.
"It's a deal." He agrees before kissing me again, his tongue running along my bottom lip. I open for him and he grabs me, pulling my body flush against his. I giggle.
"We really need to go." He groans.
"Just a few more minutes." He pretty much begs.
"Ok, just a couple more." We laugh as he spins me and puts me on all fours, I look over my shoulder at him. All playfulness stops as he enters me from behind.
"I'm going to kill you!" Declan roars, literally the second Easton and I pop back into the hut. In a blink of an eye Declan has his clawed hand wrapped around Easton's neck and dangling two feet off the ground, while pressing him against the wall. Easton barely gets a breath in before this happens.
"Jesus Dec, stop it!" I shout and move between my dangling fairy mate and my out of control vampire mate. Declan bright blues pierce my eyes and he growls, his nose flares and his eyes widen with shock. He drops Easton and takes a step back from me.
"You mated with him." It's not a question and it hurts to hear the furious undertone in his statement. Like I betrayed him.
"Hum, yeah. We have to talk." I glance around the room, "all of us." I finish. I look back at Declan who growls at Easton, who has finally stood back up and is standing behind me.
"Geez, anyone ever tell you that you have some serious anger issues." Easton croaks out while rubbing his neck. I elbow Easton in the stomach.
"Shut up, you're going to make it worse."
"Me?! He's the one.."
"Shut up Easton. He has every right. You knew they wouldn't be happy with you." I turn and glare at him.
Turning back to the room full of mates I swallow.
"I think I have some explaining to do." I say.
"This should be interesting." Jax says, him and Colton exchange a grin and I roll my eyes. I'm not at all surprise that they're not surprised. It was technically their idea.
I suck in a breath and open my mouth to explain everything that happened after Easton took me to the light realm.

New World Queen (Part One of the New World Queen Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now