"Kali we are here!" Liam calls to me, I finish up washing my mouth and the sides of it linking arms with Liam we make our way out through the screaming crouds of girls. Looking over them all there are poster saying 'Kali should die' or  'That Should Be Me!' My dress now feels a bit tighter and my breasts feel so very tender, this dress is supposed to hug so its just probably getting too small? We are halfway there and still my nerves are going nuts, I feel so vulnerable and unsafe. My hands tremble and Liam puts his hand over mine calming me slightly. He places a kiss on my cheek and soon, a loud gun shot goes off, all the girls duck for cover, looking ahead all the boys do too including us. Feeling a small burn I look down and see the blood flowing from my chest. Looking up to Liam his eyes go wide with fear and soon I am on the ground. Then I am surrounded by girls, who are punching and kicking, screaming and scratching. I scream myself from all the adrenaline getting in a ball on the ground, tears flow down my face, girls kick my face, my chest, and back, anywhere they can stomp or kick that is available they torture it.

"Kali!" I hear Liam scream out over all the girls, they now divert all their attention to him, surrounding him forgetting they just abused me. My eyes become heavy, and my breathing has slowed, this is what I get.


All the police rip the girls from me and I race down to Kali, her eyes are closed and she is bleeding from  her chest, nose, mouth, and ears. She looks dead, she really does. The tears flow from my face, I lost her, they killed her. How could they have done this? I scoop her up in my arms, the sirens sound filling the air and soon there are teams of paramedics and more police racing up to us. They take Kali from my arms placing her on a gournie. They race away and I follow close behind, I dont know what I am going to do if I lose her. Either way I am out of the band. 


Racing into the hospital a nurse stops me right where I am complelty. "Sir you are going to have to stay here, no one can be back there right now." The nurse pushes me back, more tears flow down my face, turning away frustrated I scream in the echoy hospital before punching the wall, it caves in under the force of my hand. Falling down to my knees I begin to sob into my trembling hands. I cant lose her, I just cant lose her.

"Liam!" Harry calls to me, turning I see all the guys rushing into the hospital and over to me. They pull me in for a hug and I just cry harder. "Liam she is going to be okay."

"Either way guys, I am out, if she lives I quit the band for her saftey, if she dies I still hate the fans and I quit. I am done." They take a moment of silence before they sigh.

"Okay." They mumble, soon my phone rings and I rip it out of my pocket to see its my mum.

"Hello?" I step away from the guys trying to keep my cool.

"Hunny I saw everything on the news, are you two okay? How is she? What happened?" My mother asks trying to keep her cool as well.

"She is here at the hospital, they wont let me see her, she got shot, and beat up obviosuly, the fans dont like her, this is their third attack but this is much worse." My voice breaks, bringing my hand to my face I slide down the wall letting soft sobs escape me.

"Oh Liam, where are you guys? I can try to be there as soon as I can."

"Victoria Australia."

"Okay, I will take the earliest flight I can, I will see you soon." She hangs up the phone leaving me with no one that can truly comfort me because the boys hate her, the fans want her dead, I just dont understand. Pulling out my phone I decide to tell the fans about how I am done.

I hope you are happy with yourselfs, you probably killed my wife and the people that were involved I am going to be sure you are locked up forever. You pushed us all too much, I quit 1D, thank you fans.  (I dont have a twitter so I dont know how it works.)

"Liam?" The doctor calls, I dart to my feet rushing over to him, his scrubs are soaked in blood. "I am going to need you to sign these concent forms for doing the surgery." He hands me the clip board I sign right away, no hesitation.

"How is she?" Handing the stuff back, all the boys are by my side now ready to try and be my support.

"We are trying to do everything we can to save them both." My mind jerks and I feel fury bursting through me.

"Them both?" I ask confused and angry, how is she pregnant?

"Yes, I assumed you knew your wife was five months pregnant?"

"I didnt know a thing..." I mutter, didnt she know? Isnt the women supposed to know? How did this happen? They attacked her while she was pregnant!

"Well we will try everything we can to save them both." With that he turns to leave running back into  the room behind the sealed doors. 

"Oh man, everything is going to be okay Liam, they are going to save them." Zayn states patting my back. How did I not know? She was five months!

While We Were On Tour Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora