Drama Club Meeting

Start from the beginning

"There's Thomas finally." Lucy pointed, everyone in the circle turned to look and I saw a female teacher that looked to be in her fifties, with very long hair. She walked to the auditorium doors and unlocked them, letting all the students that were waiting in. Joe let his hand slide from my shoulder, across my back and down my arm, forcing me to release my arm from around his waist, and ending in my hand. Warm tingles ran through my body and I squeezed his hand, smiling to myself when he squeezed back. He led me through the doors and we entered the auditorium. It had many seats, but it was relatively small, probably considering this was a small school in the countryside. All of the gang sat in the same row, which was the second from the bottom and in the middle; the order was Lucy, Rami, Gwil, Ben, me, and then Joe. Other students spread out through the seats, but staying close to the front and middle.

"Okay kids," Thomas was standing on the stage in front of us, her hands clasped together. All of the little chatter throughout the room died down and it became quiet, so Thomas continued. "I have, I think, three or so scripts left in the running for us. We could always do the classic 'Romeo and Juliet'." At this, I heard some groans throughout the room, but I thought it was a good idea. "Don't worry, we could always find a modern version if the dialogue is too intimidating." I couldn't help but chuckle at that comment. "Anyways, I think that would be fun! I don't quite recall the names of the other ones, and the copier in the teacher lounge isn't working so I guess we have to wait to choose a play until next week when I can bring in copies. Today we can decide which one of you guys want to be actors and which ones want to be tech and backstage, everyone come grab a notecard."

"I'll grab us some." I stood up and said to our row before shuffling past Joe, the back of my legs brushing against his knees. I went down the couple stairs that were there and up to the stage where everyone else was lining up. I counted out six of the notecards and went back to my seat, passed Joe once more, and took a seat. I took two cards for Joe and I and handed the rest of the cards down the row. "Hey Joe, do you have a pencil?"

"Yeah one sec." Joe leaned forward and shuffled through his bag, eventually handing me a red pen. Haha how ironic.

"I think we'll all need that mate." I heard Ben say next to me.

"Maybe you guys should be more prepared." Joe leaned forward to comment to Ben, causing me to chuckle. I placed the card on my knee so I could write, and wrote down my name and 'actor'.

"I know there's a new face here," Mrs. Thomas said facing me, "why don't you stand up and tell us a little about you?" Usually, I would be a quite nervous but I've always had slight confidence when it came to drama club. So I stood up, and looked around the room before speaking.

"Well, my name is Cassandra, Cas, and I moved here from Georgia just like a week ago." I trailed off a little and looked to Thomas.

"How long have you been acting and what grade are you in?"

"I'm a senior and I've been in drama club all of high school, and did some plays when I was little."

"Well, it's always nice to have new people in our group. Thank you." I nodded and took my seat once more. "Anyways, don't forget for techs, there is: lights and sounds, costumes, hair and makeup, props, and set building. If you're an actor, I want you to double up if you like seeing as we will possibly have two casts for different nights like for our last play." At this, I quickly wrote down which tech job I prefered.

"What are you going to pick for backstage?" Joe asked and I held out the pen to him, seeing as I was already done writing.

"Probably hair and makeup and then costumes. I know, it's cliche." It's like every book you read, the main girl is an art student, but that's honestly what I enjoy so tough luck. Joe proceeded to write on his card.

"The only reason I predicted that was because of the way you acted when I got the zipper stuck in my skirt." Joe was now quietly whispering in my ear, sending tingles through me.

"Would you believe me if I said I honestly forgot all about that." Which was an all out lie, you don't just forget that. I then turned my head to face Joe, now mere inches apart.

"Not for a second." Joe looked up and down my face and I could feel mine heating up.

"Can we have that pen please?" Lucy sounded from the end of the row. Joe leaned past me, his chest pressed against my shoulder, to hand the pen to Ben, and then relaxed back into his seat. He put his arm over the armrest, so it was flush against my side and under my arm, and rested his hand on the middle of my thigh. I placed my hand on top of his and mindlessly fiddled with his fingers while we waited for further instructions.

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