Chapter 7 - Will here.

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Chapter 7 - Will here.

The morning has come. The day has come. The hour has come. As I haul my two bags into the back of the car, my parents just stand near the front door, watching me. These days I wonder what's on their mind. I never used to care, but now I do - even though it appears to others that I'm even more careless than before.

When I'm done loading the car, I stroll back up the drive, and they come down to meet me.

"Well, it looks like I'm going now," I tell them. My eyes dart between them, while they both just fix their stare on me.

My mum presses a hand to her mouth, and then steps towards me, wrapping me in a gentle hug. "Oh, I am going to miss you, Will. You're going to call us every weekend, right? Oh, Lord - the house is going to be so empty!"

"Don't worry. I'll call you." I rub her back comfortingly, and meet my dad'd eye. "And I'll come home in October."

While my mother just nods and steps back, my dad murmurs, "Good luck. Stay out of trouble, a'ight?" He pats me on the back.

"Will do." I straighten up, and look between them both. As much as this feels strange, and I'm surely going to get into some sticky situations in Cambridge, I'm excited to leave. I've only ever stayed away from home on school trips or at Tai's or Lewis's house, and that was only for three days at the most.

"I'll miss you both," I tell them earnestly, and then hug my mum again, kissing her forehead. She then stretches up to ruffle my hair and kiss my cheek lightly.

"I love you," they both tell me at the same time, and I just smile.

"Love you too."

"Okay - Will. Get in the car before I start crying," My mum laughs, and hooks her arm through my dad's. I do as she says - strolling back down the drive with them following me.

I climb into the car and start the engine, peering through the open window at them. And when they wave, I wave.

And when my mum calls, "Bye, Will," I nod and drive away.


An hour later, I'm pulling my bags heavily through a white corridor with white walls, looking around for Room 71.

I've received my key and information and everything else, so when I reach the door that looks to be mine, I slide the key through the hole and turn it.

When they said I was sharing with another guy, I didn't really know what to expect.

I certainly didn't expect this - clothes and CDs and books strewn across the whole cream-carpeted floor, and Candy Shop beating out from a shiny black iPod dock on the wall. God - how old is that song?

I look around for the culprit as I throw my bags onto the floor, to see a whole mass of black afro hair showing from behind a desk chair.

"Uh- hello," I announce loudly, and slam the door shut, just to make sure he can hear me over the deafening rap music. Afro guy stands up and reaches for the iPod on the dock, tearing it out and turning to face me.

This guy has got to be at least a foot smaller than me. With big black-rimmed glasses and an explosion of black hair, he has an African look about him. I slowly make my way over and he grins, showing pearly white teeth.

"'S up." He raises a hand and I'm pleased to hear he has a south-London accent.

"Er- hey." I nod and as the little guy holds out his hand, and I reach out to shake it, but he quickly takes it back, shoving it back in the air.

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