Chapter 2 - Alyssa here.

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Chapter 2 - Alyssa here.

"Tonight! We are young! So let's set the world on fire, we can burn brighter, than the sun!" Katy scream-sings at the top of her lungs, as we walk towards Niall's front door.

I just smile and look at Niall to see he is rolling his eyes, but is still smiling fondly at Katy as he pulls out his keys.

As soon as the door is open, Katy has already bounded into the kitchen. I follow Niall after her, and then perch on one of the barstools beside my blonde friend.

"Got any chocolate, Ni? Cookies?" Katy bats her eyelashes at Niall, making me chuckle.

"Sure," he smirks, and then runs a hand through his dark hair before getting up and grabbing the biscuit tin off the counter and placing it in front of her with a flourish. He tugs gently on her plait and she leans forward to give him a short, sweet kiss.

Everytime I see people kissing I feel the need to look away. I haven't been kissed in two years since Will left and it's awkward, being around these two sometimes because they are together now, ever since the beginning of summer when Katy got into Oxford and Niall just ran over to her, sweeping her off her feet to kiss her. They're not bad at all though, they hardly do kiss in front of me, but they're always holding hands or cuddling and it makes me feel strangely alone.

But there is one person I seem to have an understanding with. And it isn't Zara, or Reina or any of my school friends because ever since Will left they don't like to bring him up. No, it's a person who never met Will, and that seems refreshing to me.

Jack Hart moved into Will's old house. He's from the north - somewhere like Lancashire - and . . . Maybe he can curse too much sometimes and my parents might class him and his family as 'rough-around-the-edges', but Niall and Katy like him therefore so do I.

The fact that he lives in Will's old house freaked me out a bit at first and I refused to actually meet him for the first month. But one day he was at Niall's house and I couldn't escape. I realised he wasn't that bad (once I got over the use of language) and we all hang out together fairly regularly now. I did tell Will about who moved into his old house, but he didn't say much.

The reason why Jack isn't here today though is because he's at work - in the car mechanic shop down the road.

Katy's voice brings me back down to earth. "So you're heading off to Cambridge in a few days," She comments to me; she sounds just as excited for me as I feel.

I can only grin and nod. "Wednesday. In Five days."

"Always knew that you and Will were nerds at heart," Niall smirks and I glare at him.

Katy is heading off to Oxford, to do nursing. She was always the caring type. Niall is going to Sheffield to do something in sports. The fact that I was going to do Psychology surprised everyone, really. Because I didn't know what I wanted to do and I chose something as deep as that. But it interested me.

"Will isn't a nerd," Katy says as she picks up a chocolate chip cookie. She takes a humoungous bite out of it, and then munches thoughtfully.

Sometimes it feels like Katy is always defending Will when Niall says something. Or she recalls a time she had with him that neither Niall or I know about. I don't know what she's trying to do but Niall also seems to have noticed it, by the way he shoots glances at me. It doesn't meant that he still isn't completely in love with Katy though. You can see he's mad about her.

Since they're both going to different universities, I thought they might want to spend more time alone in the last couple of weeks. Katy is going first, in three days, then Niall is going the day after me. But they're always constantly saying I can stay with them and yet I feel sort of awkward because I'm interrupting their couple time. Sometimes I wonder if Jack feels the same way.

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