City of Angels. Los Angeles, California. USA.

Start from the beginning

As I rummage through my case I toss items indiscriminately over my shoulders around the room, I probably should have made some kind of attempt at unpacking since I checked in here on Sunday, but I haven't had the energy to do much of anything really. The hotel was Dean's idea, he reckons it's best for me to stay here until we've spoken to his dad, he doesn't want me forking out rent on an apartment until I've signed a contract, which is a bloody good thing really as I couldn't afford one even if I wanted to. For now, he's footing the hotel bill, he says he can claim most of the money back in expenses and that I'm not to worry, but I still insisted that he get me a standard room and not a fancy suite, despite his protests, and I haven't allowed myself to dip into the minibar or order room service, as tempted as I've been. I finally manage to locate a pair of clean leggings and an oversized T-Shirt and am just searching for some underwear when my hand comes across a book I'd forgotten I had with me, and I pull it out. Thumbing through the pages I spot a slight kink in between the thin sheets and hold the book by its spine to shake whatever the obstruction is out, but the moment it falls to the floor next to me I start to wish I hadn't bothered.

Lying on the ground by my knees is a small, crinkled, dry wildflower that instantly brings tears to my eyes the moment I see it. I had completely forgotten that I'd even kept one of the flowers that Harry bought me on our first 'date' and the sight of it is just enough to push me over the edge this morning. God, I'm hormonal, must be getting my period, I think to myself as the tears spill freely over my cheeks.

I am jolted out of my misery by a quiet knock against the white wood panel of my door and quickly pull myself to my feet, I grab a hotel issue dressing gown out of the wardrobe and wrap it tightly around myself before making my way through the piles of clothes scattered around the room to the door.

"Dean! Hi, I thought we were meeting in the lobby?" I say shocked when I pull open the door and see him smiling back at me. He's dressed smartly in black jeans and a button-down shirt which is almost the exact same shade of green as Harry's eyes and I feel another tear fall unbidden as an image of Harry flashes before me.

"Hey yeah we were, but I was ready early, and I'm starving so I thought I'd see if you wanted to grab breakfast... But now I feel like I'm interrupting something, are you OK?" He asks quickly, reaching out a hand and placing it on my shoulder, giving me a gentle squeeze.

"Sorry," I sniff, wiping away the last of the tears with the back of my hand. "I'll be fine," I say more forcefully and try to give him a reassuring smile which I am sure doesn't look convincing at all. In fact, the current expression on my face probably says "I have gas." more than "I'm fine."

"You're not fine Maddie, that much is obvious. Do you want to talk about what's bothering you? I know we haven't known each other long, but I want to be your friend as well as, hopefully, your manager. You can talk to me." He says in a low voice as he makes his way into my room and closes the door quietly behind him.

"Thank you, I appreciate that. But you don't want to hear me complaining about missing Harry, not when you've bought me out here for the opportunity of a lifetime!" I tell him, feeling the tears pricking my eyes again when I say Harry's name. The last thing that I want to do is make Dean regret his decision to bring me out here by being a miserable bitch and wining constantly.

"Don't be silly, I do understand that whilst this is potentially life-changing experience, it doesn't come without its costs. I'm guessing that Harry was more than just your boss then?" He says, and I suddenly remember that Harry and I aren't public knowledge to anyone outside of the crew and feel my face turning red. "That explains the side-eye he gave me the other night in the hallway," Dean adds almost to himself.

"Side eye?" I ask him confused, I saw him and Harry pass each other in the hall after Dean left my dressing room, but I can't say I noticed any interaction between them.

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