Chapter 70: A Secret Only Told by Time

Start from the beginning

I took a sharp right, crashing head first on something quite hard. Groaning, I looked up to see Levi staring at me with annoyance glistening in his eyes.

"What are you doing?"

Erwin, who was right beside him also stopped walking and stare at me with confusion.

I leaped, quickly hiding behind the two men, barely making it in time.

"She's gone nuts!" I yelped, using Levi and Erwin as my shield.

"Who's gone nu--" Levi was cut off abruptly as Petra smashed both snowballs on either side of his face.


Erwin winced as Levi cursed under his breath, staring daggers at Petra, who was starting to realize everything.

Snow fell off of Levi face, revealing his mouth in the form of a snarl.

Oh god, we're so dead.

Petra seems to be aware how fucked up she is right now as she slowly backed away from the furious man. "L-Levi.. let's talk about this okay? It was an.. a-accident..."

"Is that so?" Levi snarled deeply, approaching with menacingly slow steps.

"Woahh, what'd I miss?" Hanji hopped in behind me, placing her hands on my shoulders.

"Petra's death," I replied with a shrug.

"Well damn. What did she do?"

"Slammed snow onto Levi's face."

The brunette laughed out loud, slapping my back. Erwin scooted over to Hanji, lowly whispering, "Can you fix this up? We really don't need Petra wounded right now, her dad will kill us."

Instantly, Hanji stopped laughing. Erwin's words were right. Petra's dad would kill us all if there was so much of a scratch on his precious daughter. She took off her glasses and tucked them away safely.

"I've got an idea. But it's risky, and I'll need you guys to help me as well."

"Help you with what?" Eren butted in, Armin and Mikasa by his side.

Hanji nodded at Petra, who was surprisingly still able to keep Levi at bay, at least for a few more seconds. "Petra fucked up, and Levi's about to end her."

"Well why don't we just get (Y/N) to calm him down?" Armin suggested. I threw him a 'what?' glance, and he shrugged in response, "What? You're basically the only one that can reason with hi--"

"Yeah yeah, I know," Hanji cut off, rolling her eyes. "But that wouldn't be fun."

"So what's the plan?" Erwin asked, eyeing Levi and Petra.

"This is."

Hanji scrambled forward, leaning down to grab handfuls of snow and sloppily formed it into snowballs.

"W-wait--" Erwin began, but it was too late. Hanji leaped into the air, and with her precise aiming, threw the two snowballs in her hand square on Levi's head.


Eren let out a battlecry, rushing forward with snowballs ready to fire. Levi lost his patience and began throwing his own snowballs harshly to the two people.

One of them hit Eren on his face, making him fall backwards. "Eren!" Mikasa exclaimed, sprinting towards him and starting to throw her own snowballs at Eren's attackers.

I watched in disbelief as balls of snow flew through the air, I then glanced at Erwin. The blonde haired man was staring at the battle with a relaxed face and amusement dancing in his eyes.

He gazed at me and Armin, and shrugged while smiling. "Go join them. I'll keep watch and make sure no one gets hurt."

I scoffed, grabbing his wrist and running towards the battlefield, dragging him along. "No way! You're in it too!"

Erwin chuckled deeply as we neared the people tossing snowballs at each other. Armin trailed behind us, occasionally using both me and Erwin as a shield.

We scooped our own snow and quickly formed it into a ball, wasting no time in sending it flying at another person. I couldn't stop the smile on my face as I ran and jumped around, avoiding any attacks while also sending my own.

When was the last time we all just let loose like this? When we forget about all our worries and responsibilites, and let our inner teenage souls run free?

In all honesty, I can't remember. The only times I can remember is all the incidents that happened, one after the other.

But that doesn't matter now. Seeing everyone laughing together, with nothing but joy- and a little anger- on their faces was enough to make me forget about everything that has happened.

I quickly ducked, briefly dodging a snowball thrown by Levi. I threw my own snowball at him, watching as he dodged it and quickly started sprinting towards me.

I yelped in surprise as Levi jumped on me, sending both of us tumbling down on the slightly tilted ground. We got separated from the rest of the group, and as soon as we stopped rolling, Levi got up and pinned me down.

"Get off me short stuff!"

"Make me."

It was hard, but I finally managed to heave him off of me. Levi stumbled beside me as I sat up, regained my breath, and fixed my hair. "Gee, you're heavier than you look," I commented, turning around to look at him.

Levi stared at me silently, his mouth slightly agape with a faint blush on his cheeks. His eyes were warm and filled with... longing.

He exhaled slightly, and gently placed his hand over mine, leaning closer. "(Y/N)... there's something I wish to tell you. I--"

Levi was interrupted by a short, sharp squeal from the group. We glanced towards the source of the sound, finding Petra and Hanji staring at us with stars in their eyes.

Levi clicked his tongue, and backed away from me, his face thickly laced with annoyance. "Nevermind."

I watched with a frown as Levi walked away, heading back to the cabin. Now that I think about it, this is the second time someone has interrupted Levi when he was about to say something to me.

I shot Petra and Hanji an annoyed look as I stormed back inside the cabin. Erwin caught up with me, and gave me a couple of small pats on my shoulder. "Don't worry. When the time is right, nothing will get in your way."

"I feel like there's never a right time," I grumbled, looking away.

"Be patient (Y/N). There is always a right time for everything. Always."

"But... how do we know when it's the right time?"

Erwin smiled softly. "You won't know. But your heart will. So when that time comes, just listen to the voice of your heart."

Erwin gave a side-hug, before leaving me and walking away into his room.

I stood still as Erwin's words replayed in my head.

The voice of my heart? Is that what you are, Voice?

At that moment, I had been silently thinking to myself. I didn't expect Voice to actually reply to my thoughts, since it never really does that anymore.

I am more than just the voice of your heart, (Y/N). I have always been more, and I will always be more.

My eyes widened, hearing it's voice ring inside my head.

As your friend said, there is a time for everything. When the time is right, and all that will happen, has happened; only then will I reveal everything you wish to know.

I gulped, feeling a sense of dread rising from the pit of my stomach.

Just... what will happen?

The voice stayed silent for a while, before answering in a steady tone:

Who knows? Only time will tell.

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