Mushrooms? Check. Llamas? CHECK. Snape? YOU BET!

Start from the beginning

"We're not," Hermione said haughtily from behind me. Ron groaned. "Would you please mind your own business? For once, at least?"

"Ronald Weasley! Be nice!" Jules and I said. We looked at each other, and I laughed. But she remained angry-looking. A bit amused, but mostly angry. How attractive.

"Sure thing, Mum," Ron mumbled.

"Ew, who'd want to be your mum?!" I said, clearly grossed out. GLAREZZZ.

This time, everyone except for Ron laughed. Even my alliteration buddies.

After we ate breakfast together, we headed down to the familiar dungeons for our first potions class. It was a Friday, last period, since we got afternoons off. YAY! WEEKEND DANCE!

Oh, and I managed to worm my way out of the whole 'not coming back to the dormitory' thing. But George said I was 'like a Slytherin', with this weird look on his face, and it seriously creeped me out. So now I'm worried. I don't like being worried. Not good for one's llamaness. Bleh meh.

I saw Jules give me a weird look out of the corner of her eye. "Umm, Lee?"

"Yeeeeup!" I said, super duper uper hyperly-ish.

That's not a word.

I make it work though!

You're not making sense.

When do I ever?

"Hayley? HAYLEY!?"

"Yo yo yo my homie-gee. Wuttup! Aw, George left!" I pouted. Ana raised her eyebrows, and the boys were just staring at me, confused as hell. Shiiiite. BLUSH CRUSH. Hey, that actually makes sense!

She suddenly grinned. "Whaaaaaat?"

"Noth-ing!" she sang. BITCH.


She just smirked. I hate her. "No you do-on't!" she sang again. Stop singing. PLEASE. IT HURTS.

"No I don't what?" Okay now I'm confused...and it takes A LOT to get me confused!

I must've spoken aloud again...

She raised her eyebrows. "If you raise your eyebrows one more time, Imma put a hex on them so that as soon as you raise them again, they'll just keep floating up and up and up until you don't have any more eyebrows!!!" I threatened. She widened her eyes and stepped back. Yay I'm scary! The boys turned to us, stopping mid-conversation, and laughed randomly. Then they continued talking to one another. Umm, okay.

"Erm, anyway... Why were- well, are- you dancing?"

I looked down at myself and noticed I was still doing my weekend dance. I didn't even realize I had started dancing... Weird Beard. Like Dumbledore's.


"Aaaand?" she prompted. The boys were just staring at us like idiots now. No, not like the idiots they already are.

"You don't know!?" I asked, shocked.

"Uhm, nooo. Am I supposed to?" she asked cautiously, drawing out the 'O'.

"YES! Listen," I paused and creeped in closer to her. She strated to back away so I grabbed her by the shoulders and started shaking in her. Then I whisper-screamed in her ear, "TOMORROW'S THE WEEKEND." She rolled her eyes and pushed my hands off of her shoulders.

"I know that, Lee."

I was about to ask her, 'Well why didn't you just say so?' when we came to a stop in front of a large, closed door. I waved at my Slytherin friends, Jules and Draco exchanged weird looks again, and soon the door opened.

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