Ma Bro! But He Doesn't Know...I AM SHAKESPEARE!

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Draco put his and my trunk away, partly because I demanded him to do it for me, "Even though I was gonna do it for you anyway," he said. Then he left to go meet up with Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle. They're pretty smart, but they don't want people to think they're showing off, so they act stupid. Surprisingly enough, I was the only one they let slip to about their knowledge.

After about 15 minutes into the train ride Pansy went to go to the bathroom, so I went with her as I also needed to go and didn't want to be left with Blaise and Teddy, as well as Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle when they came back. On the way back from the bathroom we heard two people, presumably boys, talking really loudly. The first kid said, "Hi, I'm Ronald Weasley. But everyone calls me Ron. It's nice to meet you!"

Pansy snorted derisively at the mention of Weasley, then whispered to me, "My dad works with Arthur Weasley, that kid's dad, at the Ministry. Says he's an intolerable and vile Muggle lover. Dad also said Weasley's drop-dead poor." She rolled her eyes as I raised my eyebrows. I don't really mind Muggles, besides Mrs. Phatlog of course, but I didn't want to lose my first female friend, so I didn't say anything. I decided not to take her word for it though and wait to actually get to know the kid before judging him.

"Listen, let's go, I don't wanna be seen near blood-traitor scum like the Weasleys," Pansy muttered. I nodded and turned to leave. I didn't feel like standing there forever.

But then another boy said happily, "Harry, Harry Potter. Nice to meet you too!"

Pansy and I froze. We slowly looked towards each other, wide-eyed. "Harry Potter?" we mouthed to each other disbelievingly.

Apparently the Weasley kid was as surprised as us because he said, "Harry Potter? As in THE Harry Potter?" We snickered at the pointless question. How many other Harry Potters does he know?

We glanced into the cabin they were in as Harry, ma bro, nodded. OMFG IT'S MY BROTHER! YAY! Unless he's a dick because he's famous...

" you really have know..." Ron said.

"The scar?" Harry asked.

Ron nodded. Why was he afraid to say 'scar'? Sheesh!

Harry grinned like having a scar was awesome and nodded, then lifted up his fringe. I mean, even if the scar IS shaped liked a lightning bolt, I doubt it'll be cool when and IF Voldy comes back. I bet the thing'll start hurting like hell.

But Ron's eyes widened. "Cool!" Apparently he thinks it's as awesome as Harry. HEY! HE'S NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS IT! But Dumbledore had used a spell to cover mine up, which is good, I guess. In a way. I get hot when my hair is down for a long time...

Pansy pulled me out of my thoughts when she tugged on my sleeve. "C'mon Hayley. Let's go tell the boys!" I nodded, and we started running down to our cabin with Harry and Ron's words and faces going through our heads. The two started loudly and excitedly conversing again.

When we got back to the cabin Crabbe and Goyle were there and were sitting in our spots. The seats fit about three people, and Draco, Blaise, and Teddy took up one seat, while the bulk of both Crabbe and Goyle took up a whole seat. Yea, a whole seat.

When Pansy and I walked in Teddy and Draco suddenly flushed a deep red, and all the boys stopped mid-coversation. Pansy and I looked at each other quizzically, but then we shrugged it off and looked back at the lads. When we walked in the cabin magically elongated, leaving one wide empty space on each bench. The cabin didn't look any different from the outside though. GO MAGIC LLAMA CABIN! YAY!!! Magic is awesome...but not as awesome as llamas...

I quickly sat next to Draco, leaving Pansy to sit next to Vin and Greg. She gave me her worst death glare and I smirked at her. She seemed a bit peeved at this but went to sit next to Gregory. Draco, Blaise, Teddy, and I snickered at her.

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