Joel Peterson

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"You want me to say something meaningful? Uhhh.. hell no bruh." ~Joel Peterson

i switch the channel once more. theres nothing good to watch and i grunt in annoyance. i glance at my phone and see a message from my mom.

my god shes annoying. it reads: what do you want for dinner? tell me or you get nothing. i sigh again. pizza i tell her. She doesnt even respond. i furrow my eyebrows and look up at the ceiling. it has so many cobwebs on it. i look at the miscelaneos stains that decorate the ceiling disgustingly. i feel so angry at my mom for being such a bitch. honestly just for once come home on time and make a meal. my stomach growls. i didn't eat yet today. mom never got new groceries this week. i hate my mom.

i look over and see the picture of my dad and my mom and me. mom looked so happy and so did dad. ever since dad died mom started to be more distant and started doing drugs. i hear the front door open and my stomach growls once again. i rush to the door only to see mom empty handed. my heart drops. wheres the food i ask. you never responded to me so i didnt grab anything.

but i did ask for pizza i say. she looks at her phone and scoffs, oh. well i didn't see it. not my problem she snorts as she walks upstairs. i scowl and sush up stairs. i dive into my bed and start crying. i hate my mom.

wake up asshole my mom yells to wake me up. i jump and scurry to my dresser and throw on a new shirt. i have no new pants so i put on some dirty ones from last week. i run outside and barely make it to the bus. i look at my phone. mom woke me up late again. great.

i get to school and everyone doges me as i walk through the hallway. i may be a wimp at home, but at school i am king and no one can do anything about it. i look over and see jamie daniels, i fix my posture and i wave at her as i go. she glances at me but turns away quickly. i look at the ground. one day i will make her queen of the school. not today though. not today i repeat under my breath with a sigh. not today.

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