"Sir, I'm going to need to ask you to leave if you keep shouting-"

"Oh sorry for shouting" Said Haechan ironically "fuck you" He said with a lower tone "is that better?"

"Sir, this is outrageous-"


A voice came from behind Hachan's back, he turned around just to see a guy dressed up in what seemed to be an expensive suit staring at Haechan with some files in his hands,that was him.
He signed with his head for the younger boy to follow him as he walked towards the elevator.

Haechan grabbed his stuff from the counter walking sassily behind Mark and entering the elevator with the older, and right before the doors closed he made sure to throw a raspberry to the door man.

The elevator started to move, he tried not to stare at the older stranger as he felt his palms get sweaty.

"Sorry, if I started to shout, but you should really talk to the management of this place because the client service is shit." Said Haechan looking up to the older but not receiving a response, he felt so embarrassed, he could literally bury himself in the ground.

The doors finally opened

"Follow me."

That was the first time Haechan clearly heard the older's voice and he felt shivers go down his spine, his voce was so deep, confident and manly, almost demanding to be considered dominant.

Haechan nodded walking once again behind him down the long corridor, the older opened the door, leaving the keys on the counter and taking off his jacket before unbottoning the sleeves of his white shirt.

Haechan's mouth fell open seeing how huge the apartment was, he threw himself on the sofa squirming in it feeling how comfortable it was.

"This place is awesome, Minyoung!"

He said finally remembering the guy's name.

"Mhm. You can call me Mark, if you want."

"Sure...Mark" Said Haechan in a teasing and sexy way.

Mark didn't seem fazed at all as he sat on the chair in the other side of the room putting his papers on the desk and looking though them.

"Maybe he has work to do." Thought Haechan remaining in his laying position staring at Mark that seemed to be very concentrated.

30 minutes passed.

And then an hour.

"Minyoung." Said the younger sighing without receiving an answer from the older.

"Minyoung!" Haechan had enough, he took off his shoe and through it against the older as it landed on top of the desk, finally he caught Mark's attention.

"How can you ignore me when I'm so cute, Mark Hyung?" Said Haechan playing with his light brown hair.

"Cute? You look cuter with your mouth shut."

Haechan scoffed getting up, he grabbed his jacket and his back and approach Mark wanting to get his shoe and get the hell out of there, he had never been treated that way. "Fuck you, Mark Lee" is all he could say as he walked to the desk grabbing his shoe.

As he grabbed something else grabbed his hand, it was Mark's strong hand as he stared in Haechan's eyes.

"What did you say?"

"I said fuck you. Are you deaf?"

Mark scoffed angrily " didn't your mother teach you how to behave? I don't think she would be happy if she knew you were a little bitch,Haechan"

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