Chapter 137

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Placing the cup of coffee in Jennie's hands Lisa sat next to her friend, giving her a side hug. Jennie leaned her head on to the blonde's shoulder, closing her eyes for a moment. Lisa pouted at the sadness around her friend.

"Oh Jen, what are we going to do with you," said Lisa as she pecked her friend's head.

They sat quietly with Jennie sipping on her coffee. When she had gotten back to the office, the only thing she could do was run in to her friend's arms and continue crying. Lisa had never seen Jennie this vulnerable before and it was scary.

"How are you feeling now?" Jennie placed the cup down and sank back into the couch.

"Empty," she looked up towards the ceiling and felt her eyes well again.

"I want Chae," she wiped at her eyes, "I don't want to lose her."

"You won't Jen. But there is something I want to talk to you about," said Lisa and looked at her hesitantly.


"I know what Chae said was a little tough and that it was a bit of an overreaction. But I also know that she was within reason. Jen, you need to be serious okay, do you really want to be with Chae? Why was other people's reactions the first thing you worried about and not Chae's feelings?"

Lisa bore her eyes in to Jennie, knowing these were hard questions. The brunette squinted her eyes, but just shrugged her shoulders. Lisa's mouth dropped.

"What the even? Jen you can't just shrug it off. I'm sure those were the same questions Chae was asking herself."

"I know okay! It's just... I don't know why that was my first thought. It just was and I feel absolutely shit for it. I guess...I still have a lot to learn. But on the question of Chae, then yes. Absolutely yes I want to be with her," after hearing Chae speak of ending things she knew she couldn't survive that. She didn't know her feelings for the younger woman ran so deep and knew she needed to learn how to accept that.

"Well Jen, that's the only answer that matters. You two will patch things up. In fact I think you should call her right now," said Lisa.

"Maybe not Lis, I think she still needs space."

"She tried to call you and despite your belief that it was a mistake, I doubt it. Chae doesn't come across as the type that would just blow up angrily. I think she wanted to just talk things out properly," smiled Lisa.

"She isn't a hothead. She's the complete opposite, always sweet, gentle and caring. That's why I was so shocked to see her like that," mumbled Jennie.

"That just shows how much it affected her. She really loves you Jen. And as your best friend I have to tell you that you can't play around with other people's feelings. Especially Chae's. She's more vulnerable than she looks and well she's been really trying with you. It's only fair you did the same."

"You're right. I need to get my shit in order," said Jennie, "Thank you Lisa, for you know, just always making sense," she smiled and Lisa chuckled.

"I mean it's not like I'm trying," said Lisa and flicked her hair. They laughed softly before it was interrupted by the ringing of a cell phone.

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