Thirty Two

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It's been 32 days since Riley had been put in the Home for Trouble Youth. 32 days since her first night terror started. The only bright side to this was that she progressively got fewer and fewer cuts in the dreams and woke up safely each night thanks to her friends. Having the same masked people try and coax you into some false hope of being immortal at the only cost being killing people over and over again was actually, surprisingly, quite annoying.

Kill one person in the living world. Start it off. You won't regret it.

Was the thing that the masked people said every night in some way, shape, or form. Annoying. So, so annoying.

It was on a day like this though that Markus made Riley laugh the most. Sitting in the cafeteria gave way to many jokes from Markus and Tyler. Penelope's laugh gave way to Veils and then Riley's when the boys goofed off.

However, with every laugh comes someone with a dumb excuse to be annoyed. This was an occasion where the annoyed person couldn't take it anymore and marched over to the group with a grudge. The person grabbed Markus' hair and slammed his head into his cafeteria plate. A knife which was pointing blade up in the small compartment for silverware at the top sliced into Markus' forehead.

The groups laughs silenced almost immediately as Markus seemed distraught and surprised at the blood dripping into his mashed carrots.


"Some of us are trying to eat! You and your retard group of friends are making it hard to do that!" The assaulter yelled, ignoring the now injured teen.

Riley stared at Markus' wound, her smile slowly disappearing as Veil and Penelope ran over screaming at the guy and tending to their friend who was now in a state of shock. Tyler stood up and began squaring up at the guy while the guards walked over and tried to deter it.

Riley's blood ran cold as her heart began to race. It wasn't until the guy had a hand on Riley's shoulder that she had a reaction. Her hand grabbed her own knife while the other gripped and twisted the guys hand making cracking and snapping sounds. All at once she got up, bent the guys arm backwards, pushed his forehead into the table leaving his neck exposed, and put the blade to it.

The guards nor Riley's friends could process this quick enough until the guy was on thin line between life and death. Veil sent Markus off with Penelope and Tyler so she could try to talk to Riley. The guards pulled their guns and yelled.

*I could kill him. I could slit his fucking throat.*

Riley's breathing was surprisingly calm despite having guns pointed at her. Despite having drawn blood on the guys neck.

"RILEY!" Veil screamed until it finally broke through the adrenaline pumping through Riley's ears.

Riley looked over at Veil. As the masked man's words bounced through her mind.

Just. Kill. One.

"Drop the knife." Veil said. "This bastard isn't worth the grim reapers time."

Riley looked at herself and upon hearing the guards scream for her to back away from the guy, she dropped the knife and stepped away.

Phoenix's Trial (Dead by Daylight fan story / The Legion OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang