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At a young age, Riley knew she wouldn't be like the other kids in her classes. She didn't want to be an astronaut, firefighter, police woman, scientist, or anything of the sort. She wanted to be a trouble maker.

She wanted nothing more than to vandalize and break rules. She didn't know why but just the thought of being like her biological parents — workaholics, never home, drunk, and wasting away — made her so angry. By the time she turned 13, she was in a home for troubled youth. This didn't phase her parents at all. Her mother never said goodbye and her father wasn't even there.

The big difference between her biological Dad and her biological Mom was so easily distinguishable. Her Mom would help her pack yet her Dad would be no where to be seen. "A business trip." He'd say. Which wasn't true at all.

A day prior to her being sent to the home for troubled youth, she found paperwork for her parents to disown her.

I must've done something right. She thought to herself despite holding back tears as she placed the papers back where they were. My own parents want to disown me.

It was heartbreaking at first, she spent her last night on the roof of her, soon to be forgotten, home and cried herself to sleep.


Before she got on the bus to her temporary home, she looked at her mother and smiled. No hate in her heart nor hurt and said a few simple words.

"Dad was with his secretary last week. The business trip was to our house. Oh, and don't worry. It wasn't another woman."

Then she turned, got on the bus, sat in a seat with a window facing her house and her mom, and watched her Mom's expression go from "good riddance" to a face of someone who found out that their entire life was a lie.

Riley couldn't help but grow a wide grin as she watched her mother break. She had no sympathy. No empathy. For the woman who was first to sign the papers of her own daughters disownment.

Phoenix's Trial (Dead by Daylight fan story / The Legion OC)Where stories live. Discover now