Chapter 13

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"hello?" Hoseok answer the phone


"He's drunk? I thought he went to school and

"What happened?" Jimin asked

"His taking Yoongi home and wants me to take care of him" Hoseok explain

"Ew why?" Jimin asked

"He said he didn't want to deal with him" Hoseok replied

"I called a taxi to pick us up" Jungkook comment

"Okay where?" Hoseok asked

"The front of the park let's go" Jungkook responded

The three walked down the side walk to the front of the park standing there they totally forgot about Namjoon and Seokjin being there.

"Hey guys!" Seokjin yelled

"Oh Seokjin!?" Jimin yelled back

"What are you doing?" Namjoon asked as they got closer

"We were having a boys day" Jimin replied

"Oh that sounds nice" Seokjin comment

"And you guys?" Jungkook asked

"Uh we were on a date" Seokjin replied without thinking

"What he means is we were just hanging out like friends" Namjoon quickly stated

"Oh just friends?" Hoseok asked eyeing them

"Oh? Yeah I guess just friends well I'm leaving then friends i have to work" Seokjin smiled at everyone

"I'll take you home" Namjoon suggest

"No thanks friend I got it" Seokjin looked away as he walked off

"What I do?" Namjoon was confused

"There's the taxi" Jungkook stated walking to it

"You should go after him" Hoseok suggest before walking to the taxi himself

"Why? What did I say?" Namjoon looked back at Seokjin than the boys again

"Nothing FRIEND bye" Jimin tired to give him a hit as he got inside the taxi

The taxi drove off as Namjoon decided to go after Seokjin. As they were heading to Yoongi's place Hoseok couldn't help but feel nervous. Thoughts started to fill his mind.

Why didn't he go to school?

Was seeing him hard too?

Why was he with taehyung?

How long was he drinking?

So many different questions pop up in his head he didn't even notice they arrived. hosoek hop out the car saying goodbye to his friends he gave them his part of the cash.

As the car drove away he looked back at the house, the image of them kissing came to mind, looking down he walked towards the door already having a key he walked inside

"I should get some coffee" Hoseok said to himself as he walked into the kitchen, looking around he found the things to make the coffee.

Staring at the counter where Taehyung had lifted Yoongi up and kissed him so deeply Hoseok couldn't stop feeling like he wasn't suppose to be here the door bell rang as Hoseok got out of his thought and ran to the door

"Hoseok, here help me" Taehyung said as he opened the door

"I got him" Hoseok replied taking Yoongi from Taehyung

"Okay good, take care of him he was drinking since last night" Taehyung explain

"Im making coffee" Hosoek replied

"Hoseok? Is that you!? Hoseok!?" Yoongi randomly yelled

"No, it's bob shut up Yoongi" Hoseok comment

Taehyung chuckled as Hoseok looked back up at him

"Okay well bye" Taehyung smiled waving goodbye

Hoseok smiled back closing the door Yoongi was slipping out of his hands before he knew it the boy dropped on the floor. Hoseok tried to hold in his laugh picking him back up.

"Why are you laughing!?" Yoongi asked yelling

"Why are you yelling?" Hoseok asked throwing him on the couch

"whY aRE YOu YeLlIng" Yoongi Copied Hosoek question

Hoseok just stared at him as he was about to walk away Yoongi pulled him down on the couch with him by his arm.

"Yoongi stop" Hoseok said

"No, I don't want to stop" Yoongi replied kissing on Hoseok's neck

Hoseok turn his face the smell of alcohol was filling his nose.

"Stop you smell bad" Hoseok stated trying to get Yoongi off of him

"I like this" Yoongi whispered in Hoseok's ear

Hoseok pulled his hand free lifting it up he closed his eyes and slapped Yoongi across the face.Opening his eyes he looked straight into Yoongi's surprised ones.

"You slap me" Yoongi was in disbelieve

"I said Stop.." Hoseok replied

Yoongi moved up being quite he stared at the floor, Hosoek sat up as well looking away. It was quite.

"I'm sorry" Yoongi said breaking the silence

"For?" Hoseok asked

"Everything. The girl on the roof, Taehyung, right now" Yoongi replied

"It's okay" Hoseok responded

"It's not, I've been fucking up since I meet you and I wanna make it up to you but I fucking suck at that too" Yoongi stated

"You just don't know how to care for someone, Yoongi if you actually liked me you wouldn't be thinking of sleeping with anyone, of kissing anyone else but me" Hoseok explain

"But.. when Taehyung kissed me I thought of you.. that never happened before.. you're smile came to my mind" Yoongi confessed

"You thought of me,while kissing another man?" Hoseok was in disbelieve

"Yeah I did,today I meet with Taehyung to tell him I didn't wanna be like before...Because before I didn't have anyone I would hurt but now I do and I don't wanna hurt that person" Yoongi continue

"That person?" Hoseok looked over at Yoongi who looked up at him tears filled his eyes

"You, Jung Hoseok I'm in love with you and I fucked up so much that even I don't want you to take me back" Yoongi finished

Hoseok stared at Yoongi's eyes that started to drop tears down his face, Yoongi understood what he did, his been hurting himself with drinking all day over this.

"I-" Hoseok couldn't finish his sentence as the tea cup started making a whistle noise, getting up and walking inside the kitchen Hosoek made two hot coffees

"Here,have this" Hoseok said giving Yoongi a cup and tissues

"Thank you" Yoongi said in a low voice grabbing both things

"It's okay,I can't give you an answer right now because you're still kinda drunk" Hoseok explain

"Also besides me saying to stop while you were kissing me even if I said yes you can't give me your consent because you're drunk" Hoseok continued

"That's understandable" Yoongi accepted the situation

The two looked up at each other smiling as they started to drink the coffee, Hoseok helped Yoongi into bed the boy still wobbled while he was getting up off the couch.

Leaving the bedroom Hoseok cleaned the cups and went inside of the room that was his laying in bed Hoseok started to fall asleep before he passed out a DING was heard coming from his phone.

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