Chapter 4

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It has been a little over a week and Hoseok continued to ignore Yoongi. Today was a tiring Morning for him, he had a meeting with the teachers.

Hoseok walked into the school in his own mind not noticing anything.

"Yo, Hoseok" a voice called him out getting his attention

"Jungkook? What are you doing here?" Hoseok question him the moment he walked up closer

"I transferred today, with Jimin" Jungkook responded pointing at Jimin who was rushing behind him 

"Huh? Really? Why?" Hoseok was still confused

"You don't watch tv much right?" Jungkook replied to him laughing

"Shh, anyways our school cought on fire. Since they need to rebuild it they split us into other schools for right now" Jimin explained to him

"Damn, did you choose to come here because of me?" Hoseok asked them raising an eyebrow

"What makes you think you're that special" Jungkook replied rolling his eyes

"That's a lie, it's hard for me but I agreed" Jimin expose them like nothing

"Shut up I pick you up half way" Jungkook replied upset

They laughed as a member of the student council walked up to them, asking Hoseok to hurry so they could start. Hoseok sighed as he just gave them a goodbye wave following the other student

"You think his okay?" Jimin asked 

"Sure" Jungkook replied smiling

When they arrived to the classroom for the meeting Hoseok stood in front of the class as the others were getting seated. Before taking his own seat.

"Let's start" Hoseok spoke clear

The meeting began as they discussed the school only related things. As the students talked against each other Hoseok and glance over at the window only seeing Yoongi walking past the hallway.

"Hoseok?" a student called out his name trying to get his attention

"Huh?" Hoseok turned his head back

"your response?" the student question

Hoseok just nodded as he asked for them to repeat themselves. As they continued he couldn't stop thinking "I ran out on him, I have been ignoring him as well. I should talk to him"

After the meeting was over Hoseok decided to go look for Yoongi, but this was going to be harder then he thought. After looking around his classroom, the bathroom, the lunch room, even through classrooms that he didn't have he was about to give up.

Then he remembered that they had a roof, smiling at himself he heading that way. Hoseok stop at the vending machine getting some drinks to start up a conversation. While he was going up the steps he practice what he should say with himself.

Stopping at the door that leads out he took in a breath hoping he would find him there. As he pushed the door open he heard voices.

"Hold on" a girls voice spoke giggling

"you said yes" a similar voice responded to her

Hoseok froze for a moment his thoughts were blank even so he started walking towards the two speaking. 

"You're always teasing me" the girl spoke again

Hoseok was worried of who was around the corner but even so he was the class president and he has to take care of the students. Before stepping over the see he took in a deep breath he was still worried to who it could be.

To be continued


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