Chapter one, How I met the Headmaster.

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As hot, red liquid drip down from my knife, as I looked at my younger brother's eyes, whom were prevented from blinking at all, making them a lifeless look on they're pupils. My smile grew wider, as I stood up.

"It's been such a great time. But it's time to go, my dear brother," I whispered to my brother's corpse, as I walked out of my brother's door. I stopped for a bit, and looked back at my brother, for once more. I waved my hand, goodbye to the corpse, of what used to be someone I swore to protect at any cost. I still remembered my promise I made all these years ago. But I pushed that away, and dragged my insanity into it's place, where it stays for good.

As soon as I walked out of my once 'home', rain appeared from the sky, landing on the ground, and myself, making me soaking wet, instantly. The blood in my knife, and myself started to drip off of my body.

"Aw. Well, it won't be the end of the world, 'cause they're plenty of people to kill!" I let out a insane laugh, echoing the streets. As soon as the echo stopped, sirens ringed in my ears, from behind. I held my knife tighter, as I see a flash of red and blue in my eyes. Oh goodie, the jack-asses came here to save the day. Which, they won't, with me in the way. God, that thought just gives me butterflies in my stomach.

I looked behind myself, seeing the car stopping, one feet away from me. Two police men, who seemed to be in the late 30s, got out of the car, pointing they're pistols at me. My smile grew, as fear spread they're eyes.

This is going to be splendid. I thought to myself, looking at they're eyes with mine, 'causing them to fear me more.

"Put down the knife! I don't want to hurt you kid." One of them said, which made me laugh. They're eyes turned into a mix of worry, and confused. I looked at them again.

"You're not smart, are you? You always try, and be the protectors for the people. Well, to be fair," I ran up to one of the police man, and they instantly shoot me, which didn't affect me at all. They tried to run, but I caught up to them, stabbing them both on the backs, making them scream in agony, which makes music in my ears.

"You're just not the right type to protect people, from killers like me." I finished my sentence, smirking. I stood up, licking the blood off of my knife. As soon as the police man right in front of me, trying to stand up, I dug my knife into his skull, making a loud 'CRACK'.

"Go to sleep. It'll make you feel better." I whispered to him, while pulling my knife off of his head, making blood spray everywhere. A pool of blood forms, making me laugh. Ah, I do love a sweet thing called death. It's so pleasant, and beautiful. Just I love the sound of they're dying screams. It amuse me.

I started walking at the road, whistling quietly. All the lights on the houses' windows are off, and no parents talking, no kids screaming in joy. Nothing. It was dead silent. I began to get suspicious of this quiet night. I can tell there's no one in these houses.

"Huh. Maybe they're off for a party... somewhere." I muttered to myself, as I continued walking.

Just before I began to get bored, I heard some whispers. I looked at where the voices are coming from. I looked at the building. It must've come from inside. I ran towards the door, without making any sound, I knelt down and peeked at the keyhole. I saw a teenager, with black converse, gray sweat pants, black hoodie, with his hood over his head, and a strange dark, blue face, with two black eyes, that seems to look like he's crying.

Another person, who looked like Link from Legend of Zelda, but with black eyes, with small red dots on it. He looked like his colors were darker than before, and blood came out of his eyes.

Who the hell are they? I thought to myself. As soon as the guy with the hoodie, looked at the door, I swiftly backed up, holding my knife in a defensive stance. I breathed raggedly, looking at the door. What the hell am I doing? I should be running!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2014 ⏰

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Killers do have Feelings, you know. ~A CreepyPasta Fan fiction <3~Where stories live. Discover now