Chapter 31 - It ends tonight

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Lin's P.o.v

We got all the kids into the car and we sitting in the front seat. I looked over at Vanessa.

"You ready?" She asked me. I heard a little crack in her voice. Hearing her like that made my heart break.

I nodded." We can't take it back." My voice broke talking to her. A tear trailed down her face. I reached over and wiped it off with my thumb. She closed her eyes and turned towards the windshield. I turned to the back and looked at the kids. Seb was the only one that really understood what was going on. He looked down at his lap. I turned back around and started the car. It was early March, and the weather was not on our side. It was cold and had been raining since early this morning. I quickly drove out of the parking garage.

What felt like ten seconds later we were there. The place with had hoped we would never have to be. I looked at the sign above the door. 'Walker Funeral Home' . I shook my head and grabbed Sebastian from the car. Vanessa grabbed Jayda and Emma and sighed. I placed Seb down and we walked in together. We, of course, were the first ones there. I noticed her casket right away. Vanessa told me to go see her, so I left Seb with Vanessa and walked off. I walked towards her. Before I made it I closed my eyes. When I opened it, there she was. Laying there, pale and lifeless. Her hair was draped messily over the pillow. I looked at her and thought of memories we have had together.

Lily had just gotten back from school. I decided to take her and Seb out for ice cream and to go to the park. We walked into the park after finishing our ice cream. Seb instantly ran to the swings. Lily ran after him and started swinging him. He giggled and smiled as she pushed him. Eventually they finished and started running around, chasing each other. I smiled and ran after them. She scooped up Seb and laughed while I chased them. I finally caught up to them and started ticking the both of them. Lily placed Seb down while I continued tickling her. She fell to the ground laughing as Seb joined me in tickling her. Eventually we stopped and ended up all laying on a patch of grass, staring at the sky.

I smiled as a tear fell down my face. I looked at her and grabbed her hand." I love you Lily." Tears ran down my cheeks. I put her hand back and walked away. I grabbed the girls from Vanessa and told her to go. She nodded and went.

Vanessa's P.o.v

I took a deep breath as I walked to the casket. A tear fell down my cheek before I even made it. I stared at her. She looked peaceful as she lay there. I wiped away a tear and smiled as I began to remember the things we have done together.

Lily came out of her room and sat beside me in the couch with her books.

"Can you help me study?" She asked me.

"Of course. What subject?"

"U.S History." She tells me. From there we start to study. Halfway through I went to the kitchen and made us popcorn. I came back and we both started eating and finished up studying. When we were done I closed her book and turned on Netflix. I turned to her and threw a piece of popcorn at her. She opened her mouth and caught it. We both laughed and continued doing that for awhile.

I wiped away my tears and smiled at her." I love you Lily." I shook my head." I'll miss you." I turned around and walked away. More tears flowed down my face as I walked to Lin. I picked up Seb and brought him to Lily.

He looked at me, "Is Lily going to come home with us today?"

"No baby. Lily won't be coming home with us." I wiped away my tears and he looked at Lily.

"Can I kiss her goodbye?" I nodded and leaned him down. He kissed her on the head and streched back up. He waved her goodbye and blew her a kiss. I smiled at him and gave him a hug." Bye Sissy. I love you." I turned away from her and walked away. He was still facing her and looked at her. When we made it back I looked at Lin. More people had arrived and were all standing in the room. Lin told them to go ahead and go sit down. They all nodded and went in there. Lin's parents took the kids while we talked.

"It's almost time to start." He looked at me in the eyes.

"I don't want it to be true." I said with more tears streaming down face. He nodded and pulled me into a hug and I sobbed into his shoulder." Why her? Why did she have to go?" I sobbed.

Lin rubbed my back and sighed." I don't know. Just know that she isn't sick anymore. She's better." I lifted my head and saw his eyes were closed and he was crying. I wiped away his tear and took his hand.

"C'mon. It's starting." He nodded and we walked down the center of the room. We sat in the first row next to Lin's parents and the kids.

Lily's P.o.v

Two weeks ago

I was lying in my bed. Everyday seemed to get colder and colder. I stared at the wall. The same white blank wall I've stared at for 2 and a half months. I looked up to the ceiling. I started to feel very drowsy. The same drowsiness you feel after taking certain medicines, but it was different. It was heavier. It felt like if I fell asleep, I would never wake up. I resisted the urge to fall asleep. My eyes would close and I would quickly shoot them open. The last time though, I couldn't open them back up. They closed and I let it take over me. This so called 'sleep' washed over me. It was a blanket of darkness. I heard my machine start to slow down. I thought one last thing before it happened." I love you dad. Thank you." Then I was gone. Gone from the world. Gone from Lin. Gone from Vanessa. Gone from Seb and the girls. I was gone from my family. Gone from my boyfriend. Gone from everything.

Now that I'm gone I began to rethink my entire life. I tried to kill myself. I wouldn't have had the life I had if I took my life. I would be giving up on Lin amd my entire family. I can't blame myself for cancer. I could have blamed myself for swallowing pills.

As Lin came up to the body I looked at him. From above. He grabbed my hand and told me he loved me. My spirit hugged him and whispered and into his ear." I love you too dad. Don't cry for me. I love you." He put my hand back and walked away.

Please please please don't hate me. This book needs to end soon. I just thought it was better if I did it this way.
I am making it two parts
You're welcome
Again please don't kill me

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