Chapter 28 - Tell us

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Lily's POV

"Have you been feeling bad for a long time?" My dad asked me. To be honest, I had. I have been weaker and weaker for a while. I have also been having pains, starting in my legs then increasing to my lungs. I didn't tell anyone about it because I thought it was going to go away. I know it seems stupid not to tell him, but I am so used to being dismissed by foster parents for so long.

I was always dismissed by foster parents because they didn't want to pay for anything. I got a concussion at school and my foster parents at the time never took me yo the doctor because " It will go away, just suck it up."

"I am so sorry I never told you about it, but I have been feeling weaker and weaker for about 2 months now. I just thought it would go away, but I am so freaking stupid and didn't tell anyone." I started crying.

"Honey, I am not mad you just should have told me. We would have taken you to the doctor and found about this quicker." Dad put his hand on my head.

"Dad. Am I going to die?" He already told me I wasn't, but I don't believe it.

"Baby, I already told you. You're not going to die. You're just going to be sick for awhile." Dad tried to calm me down. A tear streamed down my face.

"Daddy, I'm scared." I cried to him. He scooted me over and sat in the bed with me.

"Baby it's going to be fine. We are going to make sure that nothing happens to you. You are going to get all the help you need. You are going to live. I promise." He reasured me. I leaned my head on his chest and cried. I can't help, but think that he is wrong. What if I do die? Lin placed a hand on my head and started stroking my hair. I lifted my head up and looked at him.

"Thank you dad." I sort of blurted

"For what?" He looked at me confused.

"Being there for me. You are amazing and I love you. These last few years have been amazing since you adopted me. Yea its been hectic, but you have helped me so much." I laid my head back on his chest.

"Lily, I knew you were special the day I met you. You're right it has been super stressful, and crazy. And I will never want to change that." He kissed the top of my head. We sat like that for a while. Lin asked me if I wanted anyone to talk. I said Uncle Jon and Aaron. He handed me my phone and I called Aaron.

"Hello?" Aaron answered

"Hey." I responded, my voice raspy.

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Um not really. I am at the hospital, and I just found out I have cancer. I'm sorry I missed our date." I explained.

"Baby its fine. How did you find out you had cancer? When did you find out?" He sort of rambled. I giggled a little.

"I found out today. And I found out because I sort of fainted when I was getting ready. You can come visit if you want to." I smiled.

"I'll be over in 20. See you then." He hung up right as Uncle Jon walked in.

"Hey girly, how you holding up?" Uncle Jon sat beside my bed.

"I'm trying to stay positive, but its really hard." I say, close to tears.

"Oh sweetie, everything is going to be fine. We will make sure everything will turn out fine. You will live. I'll make sure of it." Jon grabbed my hand. He took his other hand and wiped a tear off my face.

"Thank you Uncle Jon. I love you." I give his hand a small squeeze. After awhile Aaron arrived and we just talked. After he left I drifted off to sleep.

Hi guys! I updated again
Welp I hope you liked it
Shoutout to rhanes78 for giving me the motivation to write. Love you girl

Adopted by Lin Manuel MirandaWhere stories live. Discover now