Chapter 19- Lily...

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Lily's Pov
*** Suicide warning. If you dont like that stuff skip this and the next chapter. It has a lot of suicide and depression talk (*** This indicates the suicide trigger)

It was around 2 in the morning. I got up abd walked to the bathroom. I searched through the cabinets looking for one if Vanessa's razors, but couldn't find one. I walked to the kitchen and found the medicine cabinet. Please let this work.
*** Warning
I found some ibuprofen and took about 30 if them. I also found the alcohol and drank some. About 20 minutes later everything started getting dizzy. With a large thump a fell to the ground right before everything went black.
*** Warning over
Lin's Pov

I had heard some rustling in the kitchen but I assumed it was Lily just getting some water. About 20 minutes later I heard a large thump on the floor. I bolted up and ran to the kitchen. I couldn't believe my eyes. There was Lily laying on the ground unconscious. On the counter was some wine and a almost empty bottle of ibuprofen. I rushed over to her.

" Lily... Wake up. Please wake up. PLEASE" I yelled. Vanessa walked into the kitchen after she heard my crys.
" Call 911. Now." I said bluntly. She picked up the phone and called.

" They will be here in 15 minutes." Vanessa told me breaking down.

" 15 MINUTES! THAT IS TOO LONG." I yelled at her. " SHE COULD DIE IN THE TIME!" I yelled at her. " I am so sorry baby. Please don't die on me. Please. Lily I love you. Don't die. Lily..."


MUHHAHHA CLIFFHANGER! I am a terrible person for doing this to to you. Well hope you like it. Well I will see you soon.

How was your day?

Adopted by Lin Manuel MirandaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora