Chapter 1 The Johnston's

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  Lily's Pov

         Today was like any other day. I woke up to a glass being thrown at my door, ugh Mr. Johnston is drunk again.
" LILY GET IR LITTLE A** DOWN HERE!" Mr. Johnston yelled.

" Coming " I yelled back.
      I ran down the stairs to Mr.Johnston holding another empty beer bottle in his hands.
    " Go to the store and get me more beer, NOW!. Mr.Johnston demanded
     " FINE! "  I yelled back at him.

I walked to the store in silence . I hate living here, I hate this home, I HATE THE JOHNSTON'S. I don't understand how these people were cleared for fostering. At least I didn't have to deal with Jackson this morning. I walked in the store and I got a text from Jackson.

Jackson : Get me some cigarette's.

Ugh Jackson is my 16 year old foster brother who gets whatever he wants.
I turn to got to the freezer section, but bump into a man with a black ponytail.

Hi guys I am so excited I hope you like it

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