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Kubinashi POV:

This isn't good she's been in her room for four days now, she won't see anyone, she won't come out, she won't eat, she won't say anything and she's locked the door and bonded it with her threads, so no one could go in even if they wanted.
What is going on..

I don't even know what she's doing in there, sleeping perhaps?
She won't even see the master.
Needless to say he's very upset about it.
A few days before she didn't seem right at all, I wonder if that has something to do with it.

After the master didn't get a reply after a few hours he tried to get in, but there was something keeping everyone out, a presence.

I had told the master to go and get some sleep for now, he had been there for three days outside her room trying to get it, he was wearing himself down.


I turned to the sound of the voice to see Kejoro running towards me in a panic.
"Kejoro, what is it?"
"I-It's Lady Hana! There's smoke coming from her room from under her door!!"
"Quickly go and get the master and Kappa tell him we're going to need water!"

I immediately ran to her room to see smoke coming from the bottom of her door, by this time there were others attempting to get the door open but it looks like we are just going to have to go straight through.

I saw Kappa approaching, with a stream of water following him and the master running behind him.
"Kubinashi we have to get that door down now!" He shouted and went ahead attempting to get it down.

"Hana! Hana! Please answer me!" Rikuo was shouting I could hear the fear in his voice.

I could sense the Supreme commander coming down the hall way, he made several symbols with his hands when he reached the door way, to which at this point all the yokai had moved out the way to allow him through.

The door dispelled some sort of darkness and opened immediately, the fire instantly had more fuel but Kappa was trying to put it out.

There was indeed another presence in that room and it was stronger than ever at this point.
Master Rikuo ran straight in regardless of the flames.

Hana's POV

This sleep isn't a natural one, I'm pretty sure I've been asleep for at least a few days.
I'm struggling to breath, I feel so hot and my throat is so dry...
I can't move my body it's almost as if I'm possessed.
My eyes won't open, it feels as if my body is being consumed by something...
I can almost hear as though someone or something is in my room, and after a while a horrid smell engulfed my room.

It was smoke...

that much my brain could recognise it was starving my throat and I couldn't breath, more so now than before.
Before long I could feel heat near my legs there's a fire...
I tried to move my body and open my eyes but neither wanted to comply, I just have to hope someone finds me before I get burned alive.
But I can hear a sound on the outside of my room a lot of shouting but I then hear him...


Rikuo was there...
But I wonder what is wrong with me...
It's a strange feeling I'm conscious but I'm not...
I felt my body being lifted up and carried out of the room I'm guessing and to safety.
I could hear everything after that.

"Hey old man! Kubinashi! Kejoro! Someone! Anyone help me !"
"Rikuo, let me see her..."
"Old man, what's wrong with her, her body its-"
"Hana...damn it why didn't you say anything!"
"What?! What is it old man?!?"
"Rikuo bring her in here, and get Tsurara and Kubinashi it's going to be a long night"
"Grandfather what is it!"

I wanted scream to Rikuo; 'I'm here so please calm down!'

"She's been cursed, this black pattern all over her body that is the curse, thank the gods it hasn't spread to her chest and face then she would really be in trouble, it's an ancient technique of trapping a yokai inside their own body, in other words she can hear us but if her body becomes entirely consumed it will rot her from the inside out she will eventually die."
"Old man, what can we do please!" Rikuo he sounds so scared, I hate to hear him like this.
"Go and gather the others we will need help"
"And Rikuo..."

I heard him run out and heard Nurarihyon sit down beside me.
"Hana I know you can hear me..."

He's right but what does he want to say?

"Hana who could have done this? We will get this out of you I's going to be painful, the process involves you re-living your life's worst memories, in order to shock you into getting control over your body in your current state of consciousness but I'll be here and so will don't worry" He continued.

"Gramps, I've got everyone!" 
"Good, Rikuo we must act fast, Kubinashi help me perform the spell, Rikuo you stay by her; she will be in some pain, Tsurara you keep her fever down alright everyone get ready."

They must have done everything quickly because in the next few minutes I felt in intense pain in my head and images of my worst days flashed before me.

Nurarihyon was right...

"Hana, please...stay strong, I love you" I heard Rikuo whisper to me as he squeezed my hand tight.

"All right it's started, Kubinashi keep your head clear..." Nurarihyon said
"Yes ,Commander but the question still stands..."
"Kubinashi what are you talking about?" Rikuo asked as I felt him hold my hand as I was crying out in pain.

"Who cursed Lady Hana?"

~Love With A Risk~Rikuo Nura (Yokai Side)~Love Story~Where stories live. Discover now