Closer To Me

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Hana POV

I could feel every bad memory in my life come back all at once.

My parents death...

My family shunning me...

Fighting that monster...

Losing my clan...

That last memory was one I was resisting to clear from my head , they were a part of me each and every one of them. Their screams and the one they gave their lives for...their leader was being cured of a curse...


If they could see me now what would the say, I wonder?

I can hear Haruka now...scolding me for being so weak...

No! I can get through this what am I saying! This isn't who I am! I am Mitenhana Liren, of the Liren clan! I wasn't made to be weak, I've survived too much for too long to give up now! And Rikuo...I can't let him down...I still need to marry him!

I love him too much...


My love.

Now I just need to break out of this cycle!

Think Hana, think of Rikuo and the clan what they would want...

Rikuo, I won't let you down!

Rikuo POV

"Gramps the curse is receding!"

"Indeed, how is she? Does she look any better?"

"She looks slightly more at ease now, I think it's working...Thank you old man"

"It's not my work it's her, she's the one who's fighting all her past demons just a bit longer and I think we will be done, Kubinashi how are you doing?"

"Okay, I think you are right we are nearly there, come on Hana!..."

I looked down at Hana whose head was in my lap, I was holding both her hands...

Her eyes began to open...

"H-Hana!" I whispered

" I dead?" she said weakly, it looked as if it caused her pain just to move her lips

"No, no your fine! Gramps! Kubinashi she's awake and she...she's fine... she's okay!"

I felt so relieved, I nearly lost her, I would find out who tried to do this to her.

"Hana! How are you feeling?" Kubinashi asked as she tried to sit up only to fail.

"I'm....fine actually...better than fine, It feels like I've been able to let go of so many things preventing me from moving on" She exclaimed as she tried again to sit up slowly, leaning against me for support

"Interesting, Hana do you have any idea who did this to you?" Nurarihyon asked

Hana POV

I looked at Nurarihyon in confusion, all I know is that it was the most painful experience I had ever gone through mentally but somehow I had managed to come out the other end okay and alive...

"I honestly don't kno-" I asked

Then it occurred to me, during my battle with that monster he had grabbed my ankle and seemed reluctant to let go and then he... he had smirked as if he had accomplished something even though he was about to die.

~Love With A Risk~Rikuo Nura (Yokai Side)~Love Story~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora