So What Will You Do?

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Hana's POV:

I simply stared at him, what was he saying? I was engaged to his grandson!

That sounded stranger than it actually was, things work differently in the yokai world.

I stood up and and went to leave I am not in the mood for talk like this, I still have a skull splitting head ache.

"You know, a leader should not run away from questions they can answer so easily. Don't necessarily avoid sharp edges. Occasionally they are necessary to leadership." He explained

"I don't have anything to say to you Nurarihyon, what you are suggesting is..."
I decided to ignore him and carry on...
Then I continued to turn around and walk out the room but.....

Before I could grab the handle I felt comforting arms around me...yes I recognize these well they had held me close many times before years ago...

"I guess your right I shouldn't judge you I'm sorry"
"No, your not"
"Heh.....your right.........I'm not......"

He then started to gently kiss my neck his arms still around me....
"You realize in our current situation.............. this is not right, Stop it." I stated and tried to pull him away from me but his grip was tight.
" depends on how you look at it........doesn't it......" He said as he made his way further down my neck.

"I guess but in my opinion...I don't like this..." I started then...

I teleported away into the main garden, how I did that? I guess my host is becoming much weaker now.

It's dark out...

"I never thought you'd be able to do that I taught it to you a long time ago even if-"

"Do you honestly still love me? Or do you just want something else " I interrupted

"Of course you know I love you, I never stopped."

"Nurarihyon, your lying...your lonely."

"When we first met you had only recently lost your wife, Yohime,and then Rihan died grief makes people do things things they may not necessarily mean at the time...I should know, I comforted you in more ways than one back then, but not anymore...Take a look around you Nurarihyon, you have an entire aren't alone anymore, not by one-"

I suddenly felt a pulse of pain in my chest.

"Are you alright......Hana?" He asked sounding concerned

"It couldn't be?.....damn it! Not now why would it-"

"What is it....?!"

I then blacked out.....

Haruka's POV:

I was inspecting the room I was staying in , I was sharing a room with Kubinashi of the Nura clan.

"So your from the Liren clan huh?" He asked me as I was leaning my sword against the wall.

"Yeah, I serve lady Mitenhana as have other generations of my family before me..."

"Ah,right Mitenhana she was always a Liren, always making the right decisions , she loves her clan and is a great leader...just like lord Nurarihyon" He stated

"Yes indeed in fact I never did thank you for helping her through her wounds" I said to him
"No problem,Haruka"
I smirked at this no one ever called me by my name, except My Lady.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain inside my head, my link to lady Mitenhana is.....fading.

No...........she can't not now.....she can't be.......becoming herself again....?

~Love With A Risk~Rikuo Nura (Yokai Side)~Love Story~Where stories live. Discover now