[ i lied about my peace. ]

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i lied.

my happy place -

where my soul resides -

is not in battle,

nor any beach.

it feels like a blinding sun, holding my cheeks,

and the whistling wind prickling my skin.

it's the tall wheat grass in the abandoned field

down the gravel road on the shitty side of town,

where i fell, where i laid, where i yelled.

it's beginning of a hundred trails:

i can see them all like the back of my hand.

it's the silence of voices -

the moon whispers as it hides.

it's the trees shielding me from the power plant

not far away.

it's the birds singing,

the deer searching,

and the bugs, obnoxious and precious.

i lied.

my soul and my heart rest, in this old field,

while my mind fights to find a way

to get me there.

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