[ today's lesson plan ]

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mom told me not to get into fights unless a just desert

dad told me to think before saying my peace

my friends told me to talk, they wanted to hear.

i think i'll what i want to

mom taught me karma's a queen, coming after criminals

dad taught me not to disobey, cower before all not me

my friends taught me to act out, to do the things i was too afraid to.

i think i'll what i want to

mom told me to love myself before them; no one's worth that pain

my dad told me to love only him; myself and them cannot be worth it

my friends told me, 'screw them'; i'll love who i want to.

i think i'll what i want to

my mom taught me to dress with respect

my dad taught me to dress to impress

my friends taught me to dress not just like the rest.

and you can all just fuck off.

class is over.

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