"Who's we?" asks Jikyung.

"Us three, Jaehyun, and Jaehyun's friends."

"Oh like Doyoung and Taeyong? Yeah that'd be cool. I haven't talked to Doyoung in forever." I say. I miss joking around with that bastard.

"Ok then it's settled. We're eating lunch with Jaehyun and his friends."

"Cool, now we can have Ten help us make fun of Jaehyun too." Jikyung smirks.

"Ooh yeah, Ten always has the best jokes." I smile, remembering a few times we teamed up to make a substitute go insane.

"Oh god please not today, we just started dating and I don't want you to scare him away." Minji whines.

"Oh come on, Jaehyun already knows what we're like, we're his friends too, you know?"

"Yeah, I've been teasing Jae since we were ten and there's no way in hell I'm stopping now." I say, reminding them that Jaehyun and I practically grew up together.

Minji sighs, "Ok, just don't make fun of me and you'll live." We laugh at her threat, knowing very well she wouldn't hurt a fly.

. . .

"Finally, lunchtime. I'm starving." I say, stretching as we walk out of class.

"Your always 'starving' Eunji, even after you just ate." Jikyung says, rolling her eyes.

"Are you calling me fat?" I narrow my eyes at her.

"No, she's calling you a bottomless pit." Minji "clarifies." I fake being offended.

"How dare you, sir. I just enjoy the quality of taste, and I refuse to let good food go to waste. Hey that rhymed." I snort at that.

"Ugly ass laugh." Minji jokes and she and Jikyung a start laughing at me, but I join in.

Chuckling I say, "It's not ugly, it's unique you ignorant cow."

We finally reach out table and set down our stuff. Just in time too because Jaehyun and his friends follow close behind.

"Hey guys," Jaehyun greets Jikyung and I, and sits next to Minji, giving her a sweet peck on her cheek. She's blushing and Jikyung and I start gagging at them.

"That was the sweetest, yet most disgusting thing I've seen all day." Doyoung rolls his eyes.

"Aw come on bunny, you're just sad that you don't have something like that." Ten takes a seat next to Doyoung, who is sitting across from me and next to Jikyung. I'm sitting next to Minji and Jaehyun is next to her.

"Aye what's up dude, I haven't talked to you in forever," I say to Doyoung, who smiles his gummy smile in return. "I know, ever since Mr. Kim made you move seats to the front in English we haven't seen each other,"

"Why'd he make you move to the front again?" Ten asks.

"Cuz she and Doyoung were always messing around, mostly her though." Jikyung jumps in the conversation.

"Hey, I really don't even need to pay attention in that class, I already speak English. Plus, he's just a boring teacher." I defend myself, since no one else will.

"You speak English? Like fluently?" Ten seems surprised.

"Yeah, Jaehyun used to tutor me. He's fluent, you know?"

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