I know that you're are in there somewhere!

Start from the beginning

"Mark...I don't want this...please help me..." she pleads. Tears are running down her cheeks.

"Amy, just try to hold her back! Fight her as hard as you can!" I say panicly. I try to reach her but the chains are holding me back.

"I can't..." she says weakly and with a tiny voice. She grabs her head and starts to yell.

"Yes that you can! You're strong! I believe in you! I love you, Amy!" I yell at her. She must stay in control! 

Then she stops yelling. Her skin is getting more and more gray and she starts to giggle. That clearly isn't a good sign! She stands and looks at me with a big grin. 

"I think we need a break..." she says with a serious tone and raises her hand. Black smoke starts to form in her hand. I look at her with a desperated look as she forcefully opens my mouth. I try to bite her in her hand but before I can do something the smoke gets in my airways and my vision gets blurry with every single breath I take. Then slowly I lose consciousness.

Jack's/Seán's POV:

I still lie on the ground crying. It just broke my heart what happened. I firstly thought that he killed Signe and now she's gone. And that with him. I knew that this green liquid on the blade of his knife isn't just decoration.

"Come on Seán! Don't let this asshole win!" I yell to myself and smack my hand on the floor. I stand up and go to the door. Obviously locked. I turn around and go to the control panel. There are so many buttons in different colours. I have no idea which one makes what. After some time of overthinking the meaning of every button, I give up. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack. Chaotic and impossible. 

I look around the room. Everything is filled with this glass tubes. Some of them are filled with green liquid and some of them are empty. 

"This is clearly Anti's territory!" I say outloud. I examine the room more closely. Maybe he has hidden spaces for weapons. I mean, it's Anti, he can come up with such ideas. But for my surprise I find nothing. No hidden spaces or weapons. 

"Seems like someone likes to look into somebody's business without permission." I hear a womenly and glitchy voice echoing through the room. I look around the room and see siptic standing next to the glass tube I was in before. She plays with a knife in her hand. 

"Why must everyone have a knife?!" I think to myself and sigh.

"But I wanted to look for you anyway so I don't really care much about that..." she says and smiles at me insanly. I gulp and take a few steps backwards. She starts to giggle and comes towards me.

"Signe...I know you're in there! Please, if you hear me, it's me, Seán! Fight back." I say nervously and take a few more steps backwards.  But Siptic only answers with a insane chuckle. That's definitly not my girl anymore. She would never do that.

"I'm sorry Jacky. Signe isn't here right now. But I think we're gonna have a lot of funtime together." she says and continues to giggle and steps a few more steps forward. I bump against one of the glass tubes and then I have an idea. Also when it means that I have to hurt her, it can maybe be the only way to get Signe back. 

"I'm so sorry Signe, please forgive me!" I says as I suddenly drag her to me and slam her against the glass. She groans and drops the knife as her face hits the cold glass. She definitly didn't expect that. I take both of her wrists and hold them behind her back with one hand. With the other one I push her face against the glass. She struggles with full power but with no avail.

"You will listen! Whether you like it or not!" I yell in her face. Her looks at me with a foul look.

"I know that you're in there Signe! Don't let her control you! You're stronger than this! I know that! And know that: I love you! To the moon and back!" I yell in her face. Her eyes' color starts to flicker between Siptic's bright green ones and Signe's normal blue ones. She clearly fights! But the green in her eyes wins more and more the upperhand.

I keep pushing Siptic against the glass. Then suddenly she stomps with full force on my left foot. I yell in pain and let go of her. She uses the opportunity and throws me to the ground. We both struggle there for a few minutes. It isn't really clear who will win, but I surprised that she can make that fight so good. Then suddenly she manages to take both of my wrists and hold them above my head with one hand. I try to get out of her grip but with no avail. I never knew that she could have so much strengh. 

"How good, that I was already prepared for this..." she hisses and pulls out a big white cloth. It's smell makes me shiver. I know exactly what happens next. It's Chloroform. She's gonna knock me out. I start to struggle as hard as I can but with no avail. Then she forcefully puts the cloth over my mouth and nose. I try to hold my breath. But after some time I need to breath.

"...sweet dreams, Jacky!" she giggles and my vision becomes more and more blurry with every breath. Then my head falls down and I black out. The last thing what I hear is her giggling.

One big happy family! (Sequel to Madpat/NateMare/Antisepticeye/Darkiplier)Where stories live. Discover now