The Stress of Getting Better Written 6/12/12

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Just Thinking Out Loud

I am always amazed at the cost of medical procedures, treatments, visits, tests, etc. Just opened my latest STACK of EOBs from my insurance company. My Radiation treatments cost $500 per treatment (each day) With 37 treatments, final cost of JUST the treatments, xrays and weekly Dr visits not included in cost, will be 18,500. Now add 3 xrays a week at $95 per xray and a weekly dr visit at $188, for 7 weeks = $3311. Then add the initial measurements and prep for the radiation treatments = $815. Grand total for radiation therapy.....$22,626. I already have a total for all care before surgery, chemo 15,000 per treatment (6 of those), Neulasta shot $6,000 a shot (5 of those), Hospitalization for 3 days $40,000. Various tests CT Scans (5), MRIs (6) Echos (2), Ultrasounds (4), Bone scan, PET Scan, blood tests, biopsies, etc A BUTT load of money. Calculated total before surgery and Radiation.....179,405....Surgery cost $30,000....So far total cost for Breast Cancer Care just over $200,000. And I am not close to done with my Herceptin treatments, scans, and tests, and dr visits.

Thank goodness for insurance because I could be looking at that total in the patient responsibility column. BUT I have a PPO so my responsibility, for my current bills is $40,000 and growing.

I WILL make it! I WILL find a way! It may take me forever but they will have to be happy with what they get when they get it!!! Can't stress about it. Need to focus on getting better!!

Thought I would share the reality of medical costs today....Have a great night!!

Oh forgot to add my monthly payment to keep my insurance $165 that is now $305 a month starting this month. And Gas to drive 40 miles each way for every visit oh and all while on disability which is exactly 60% of my pay....How do they expect people to do this? Guess I will still be working 2 jobs when I can go back to work!! UGH!!

There has GOT to be a better way. I KNOW we are nowhere near a solution! I KNOW the current health care plans on the table are NOT satisfactory. I KNOW that it will not be done overnight, or even in time to help me BUT I hope and pray it gets done in the next few years. To help future patients. So that they can concentrate on getting better instead of debating whether they should continue their care or cut it short because of costs.

I admit that recently I have contemplated whether I should do my Herceptin through November or just stop once my radiation is done. Whether i should opt out of all scans and tests and just pick ONE and hope that one is good enough to let us know whether I have new growths or not. Whether I should just be done with EVERYTHING next month and forget follow up for now. And pray for the best. I can always go in the next time I feel a growth.

I know, I know ridiculous thinking!! I MUST finish my regimin of Herceptin and continue my prescription meds. Get my tests for my heart to make sure my valvular heart disease has not gotten worse. To get my scans to make sure cancer has not spread to my bones or vital organs. I HAVE to!! And I will....BUT so many people have to make that decision and stop treatment early or forgo certain tests because of cost. We should not have to worry about costs (when we pay for insurance) while we are fighting for our lives!! 

Ok sorry for the mini rant. I am just frustrated, stressed, overwhelmed, and still fighting for my life!

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