Chapter two

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AN- its 5 am... pulled an all nighter... friend slept over, ive been sick all week. and i had a butt load of work to do... im sorry :( the chapter is really short too, but i cannon go on, and i really wannted to get it up, so i just ended it. dont worry i promise i will make the next one longer, once i get free time and im not about to be taken to the ER i will work on this. i would love to put wattpad ahead of everything like i did last year, but i dont think that is possible for me this year. im sorry im so busy... But heres my tip of the day: DO NOT, NOT WHAT SO EVER NOT PUT SALT ON YOUR ARM, PUT ICE ON TOP OF IT AND PRESS DOWN ON IT. IT WAS FUCK YOUR ARM UP!!!! it hurts like hell, stupid ice and salt challenge. if you have done it, bravo, i got frostbite, so... my expericance sucked.  its minor tho, dont worry. But also, i really REALLY badly wanna see cloud atlas, i mean Jim sturgess is in it, why not go? hes freaking amazing. sorry if you think otherwise. but here enough about my life, i just tell you this cause i need someone to talk to, im lonley ;(, but here have chapter two fo the (soon to be) EXCITING AND AMAZING STORY!!! VOTE ND COMMENT MY LOVLEY PENGUINS!!! ima go pass out on my bed now... and hopefull wake up and a decent time... ill set an alarm. or go do the ACT with my sister in an hour... not sure. but im dying so bye! and ENJOY!! (its realllllllllllllllly short sorry :()

Chapter 2

I was awakened by the sudden stop of the train, forcing me to jolt up.

I rubbed my eyes. “What’s going on?”

“We’re here…” The women said grimly. Her eyes were wide and filled with fear.

 A sudden slam of the door of the cart reveled a big husky man. He was tall, the fur coat he wore emphasized his large size, and a fur hat topped his head.

“ALL OF YOU! GET UP WE ARE LEAVING!” he shouted in his Russian accent.

 No one hesitated. They all got up orderly and walked out. Everyone but me, I stood where I was.

“YOU!!!!” he shouted “COME ON YOU FILTHY WHORE!!!”

 I just glared at him.

 “What are you doing?!” the women whispered sharply. “He’ll kill you!”

 I stood my ground, if I was going to do this; I was going to put up a fight.

  “You want to play rough eh? Okay, I play rough!” He snarled. He stomped over to me, the cart shaking with every heavy step he took.  “I will break you!” he snorted. He then slapped me across the face. The forced if his giant hands in his leather gloves sent me flying to the other end of the cart.

 “I will make sure you never forget the feeling of me crushing your bones!” he said, his teeth gritted.

 “BOLESLAV!!” shouted someone nearby. My head began to feel dizzy, and a welt started to form under my left eye.  “Now look at what you have done!! We won’t be able to sell him until he heals now!”

 “The puny boy was taunting me.” He snorted. “I had to show him who is in charge.”

 “That doesn’t mean hit him! You know we have a business to keep with Ermolai! He will surely have our heads if we do not deliver!”

“Whatever.” He growled. “You take care of the bitch.” He tossed me over to the thinner, much nicer looking man. He treated me like a wet towel, just throwing me without effort at him. Right before he walked off the cart, he looked at me; now that he was up close I could see his face. He was a very pale man with cold ice blue eyes, sharp cheek bones and furrowed eye brows. He had a light blonde hair and needed a shave. “You will regret this.” He snarled, as he stomped out.

Unrequited Love {BoyxBoy} on hold :CWhere stories live. Discover now